he suprise you and your daughter

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You stood in front of your full length mirror, just staring back at your reflection. Your three month old baby, Josh, was asleep in the cot in the corner of your bedroom as you examined your body in your mirror reflection. The bags under your eyes were obvious and your hair was messy as you hadn't washed it properly in a few days, not having the time. Niall was gone away on tour again, leaving you with the kids and looking after two kids on your own wasn't the easiest thing in the world when you also had to work.

A knock on the door startled you. With a small sigh, you tore yourself away from the mirror and padded downstairs, the feel of the plush, cream carpet tickled the bottoms of your bare feet. Opening the door, you were met with the best smile ever, the one that made your insides melt, Niall's.

"Niall?" You asked, tears pricking at your eyes. He nodded, opening his arms for you which you happily jumped into, hugging him tightly just to make sure you weren't dreaming. "It's really you. You're actually home." You mumbled into the fabric of his hoodie, warmth overtaking the cold of the winter morning as he held you.

"It's really me, baby, we finished early and here I am." He kept a hold on you as he stepped inside before placing you back down on the ground and shutting the door before looking at the face he'd missed so much. "You look exhausted honey, have you not been sleeping?" You shook your head, dropping it so you were staring to the ground.

"It's hard to sleep without you next to me Niall and Josh requires night feeds still, it's hard." Niall sighed, wrapping you up in another hug as he felt increasingly guilty about the fact he'd been away basically since Josh was born, leaving you alone.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am sorry. Come 'ere," he whispered, placing a wet kiss on your forehead. "Go upstairs and shower and change, let me take care of Josh and then we can get something to eat and talk before going to surprise Megan." You nodded, a smile tugging at your lips as you kissed your husband, the kiss that you'd been craving for the past two and a half months.

"I love you Niall, I'm so happy you're home. I've missed you so much." You whisper, cupping his cheeks in your hands. Placing a kiss on his left cheek, you turned away and headed back up the stairs, Niall following you behind, ready to feed your baby. "I'll be out in a bit." He just nodded, pushing you towards the bathroom with a smile.

A smile formed on your face as the water hit your body, you could hear faint whispers of your husband talking to your baby as you washed through your hair, using your cherry shampoo as it was the one that Niall loved the most. You washed yourself over with some shower gel before standing there for a while, soaking in the fact that Niall was now home, you definitely were not expecting to see him at your front door this morning but there he was, biggest smile spread across his features, as usual, one of the things you loved most about him.

Stepping out of the shower, you reached over and grabbed a towel from the rack, wrapping it around your body and tying it just above your chest area before you headed out into your now empty bedroom, Niall must have taken Josh downstairs for his feed instead.

Taking an advantage of your empty room, you grabbed your favourite matching, red, underwear before dropping your towel and slipping it on, walking over to your draws. You grabbed one of Niall's flannel shirts and a plain white shirt before grabbing your favourite pair of grey jeans.

"Well, look who's looking beautiful again." Niall's voice made you jump as you jumped up to put on your jeans. You turned around, sending him a soft smirk as he finished resting the baby down into the cot before he faced you, being in front of you within a second, a kiss being placed on your lips. "My beautiful wife," he mumbled, putting the white tee you'd picked out over your head and handing you his flannel, "is that mine?" He asked and kissed your forehead when you nodded.

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