Escape Room

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a/n ; based on niall and julia secret room . ✨

you and niall are invited to Late late show once again for some interviews together. You and him broke up a few months ago because of some of the misunderstandings that happen between him and Hailee . You are not ready to meet him because its been such a long time you dont see and talk to him . You are sitting in your dressing room , scrolling through your twitter and see a lot of your fans and Niall are tweeting about you guys will do an interview together tonight .

"im so nervous , six months without seeing him and now i need to face him . it feels like the first time meeting Niall " you says and look in the mirror once again .

You look through your phone which your lockscreen is still a picture of you and Niall at the VMA 2017 . You remember each of every moment that you both have on that time . Niall's name pops up on the screen and your heart skips a bit . You also feels the butterflies flutters in your stomach .

Niall <3

hey y/n , i bet you are in the dressing room

hope to see you .

the door opens and yousee James standing infront of it . "y/n,i need to talk to you before we have the interview" He says and you smiles .

you  walk out and see Niall in a black shirt and purple pants which look so hot on him. he looks so soft like the old times . you miss him like you wish you could hug him . youreyes meet Niall's blue ocean eyes. Niall smiles and i smiles back

"so you and Niall need to complete a game in the escape room." James explains and you can only stares at you shoes .

Niall and you have been sent to the secret room and the both of you need to complete all the things . Thats the way to be on stage. James closes the door and the conversation between Niall and you remain silence . 

"so, um  we need to complete the things in here" Niall says and you nod . Niall about to press the button and at the same time you do the same . you and Niall hand touches and you quickly pulls away 

"sorry" you says and Niall chuckles . you continue to search for some stuffs 

Niall and you laugh and start to have fun . You feel like its like in a relationship with him all over again . Finally,the both of you find the way to  the stage . Niall try to opens the thing and he did it .

"there's a rat in it" he says and you quickly move backwards

"its okay i'll go in first" you chuckles and scares at the same time

"no , i'll go , you follow me" Niall says and he gets in while you are following him

He throw the fake rat at you and you screams while Niall is laughing at you. The both of you get out and realise you both are still in the same room .

"weird" you says and Niall laughs  . You tripped and Niall catches you .

"i got you" he smiles and you smiles back

"thanks" You let go and stand still . 

"look y/n,im sorry" Niall says and pulls you into his hug

"im really sorry for what ive done . i know i shouldnt agree with the contract and everything . i know how hurting you really are y/n" Niall continues and you realise that you have wet his shirt by letting all your tears falls to it

"its okay Niall, i understand how the management wanted you to agree with the contract ." You let go of the hug and smiles at him

"I love you y/n,i hope that i can start over" Niall looks into your y/e/c eyes and smiles

"i love you too , and yes , we can start over" You smiles back

A/N : HI, pls drop a request , i need some request so i can write uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. this is boring . byeee

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