Late Night Care

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Laying on bed as he winced in pain, Niall realised having eaten that large amount of food at the Slow Hands' release party wasn't, by far, the best decision he had ever made.

He could feel the consequences of not having taken the advice you insistently repeated during the whole course of the night, the words you said back a few hours ago floating in his mind

"You should stop snacking or else you'll regret it later"He tried not to writhe very much but it was getting pretty impossible, as the cramps, apart from not ceasing, increased even more.

"Shit" He curled up and buried into the sheets, the previous mild currents of air suddenly dropping a few degrees to him. Noticing the new position didn't ease the pain even at its slightest, he rubbed his tummy in back and forth motions, hoping that would be more useful.

Despite his initial intention of not waking you up, the desperation to put an end to his pain, mixed with his weak condition to try so, made him release his whimpers and groans in a better audible tone, trying to make these reach your ears, but still feeling bad for making you wake up in the middle of the night just because of his stubbornness.

You groaned at the foreign sound in the pleasant silence you were absorbed in. Being the light sleeper you were, his actions cut your rest. Sitting up and turning on the lamp at your nightstand.

you rubbed your eyes as you asked "Ni, is everything okay?"
Before you could focus your vision, he was fast to prop up and try to look better than he actually felt, quite embarrassed about the situation "Uhm yeah baby, I'm just feeling a bit under the weather"

You looked at him, tilting your head. Regretting having woken you up, he glanced at your grinning countenance, not understanding what was going on.

"So you're feeling sick"


"Could you be any specific"

"Not really, it's a general thing"

Picking him by the chin so that his blue orbs met yours, you suggested "Well, I'll shed a light on you. You're lying to me, it's very specific, you're having a stomachache, aren't you?"

A silence was followed right after, in which Niall tried to choose between confessing or making up an excuse and leaving you alone. He decided to go for the first one and, as a pout took control of his lower lip, he said "Ugh yeah... It hurts so bad"

A wave of relief came as soon as the words rushed out of his mouth. Now that you were aware of the situation he didn't hesitated moving towards you to be captured by your warm embrace, your arms wrapped around him and his face landing on the crook of your neck.

"My stubborn leprechaun... I'm not gonna say I warned you, but I warned you" you chuckled, feeling the vibrations of the groan he let out.

You both inmersed in a silence, in which you carefully ran your hands through his messy hair, intensifying it's disheveled look. The pleasing feeling eased the pain coming from his stomach.

He nuzzled the skin of your neck, enjoying your delicious scent.
"Are you feeling any better, honey?" Before pulling away from what had been his shelter for the past minutes, he left a peck on the smooth surface "Yeah baby, you're always the best medicine for me" With a cheeky wink he left the warmth of the sheets "I'll be right back"

You watched as he walked to the bathroom, when he halted before making it into the room. Turning to give you an uneasy look, he retched, covering his mouth before finally rushing to the toilet.

You immediately jumped off of bed and followed him, finding a knelt down Niall leaning towards the toilet, throwing up all the food he had enjoyed without measurement previously.

You stood behind him, facing the side to avoid such view you had in front. Once he was over you stroked soothingly at his back, trying to calm his panting. "Geez, I didn't see that one coming" "It's okay baby. Brush your teeth while I go downstairs to make you a tea" He grabbed your hand before you left the room "I love you"

You stood by the kettle waiting for the water to boil. Niall came up from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist, bringing you close to his figure "Hi handsome" you said, he placed a kiss on your temple as an answer back. "I feel bad" He whispered into your ear a few seconds of silence later. You turned to him and threw your arms around his neck.

He tried to hide his face in shyness by tilting it to the side where your arm met his neck, but you managed to make him lock eyes with you.

"Hey... look at me. Why?"
"Because sure I'm bothering you with all this stomachache thing"
"Absolutely not! what makes you think so?"

"C'mon baby! I made you stay up the whole night; you had to put up with the not nice view of me throwing up; and now you're here preparing me a tea to recover, dealing with my situation when I was the one who looked for it. I'm so-"

"Okay you should stop right there. Niall, you're not bothering me nor you should apologise. This things happen and of course I'm gonna help you if I can. Don't be silly" With a wink you closed the gap separating you both and left a chaste kiss on his thin lips.

He chuckled, which quite confused you. "I also feel bad because stomachaches are annoying as fuck. I don't want to be sick!" He groaned

"Don't you say!" you giggled.
He placed a kiss on the tip of your nose

"But you always manage to make it bearable. Thank you my love."

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