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its halloween and Niall will brings you to the haunted house today , oh how you hate the haunted house so much , you've begged him for not going but he wont listen . Thank god , the other friends of him will join .

"Oh cmon Y/N! It will be fun trust me!" Niall smiles and pulls my hand near the counter ticket

"Niall i swear i dont want to go ! its not my favourite" You pout . you know this will work

"Oh darling, it wont work this time !" Niall sticks his tongue out and you hit him slowly

"Hey,hold my hand if there are some stupid ghosts in there are trying to disturb you" Niall interwines his fingers into yours and the both of you walks in

At first there are nothing just sound effects that makes you already scared . You hold Niall's arm tightly and walks with him slowly . Your heart races because you are too scared .

"BOO!" A ghost touches you and you screams . Niall laughs .

"Niall James i swear get me out of here!" You says as the both of you continue walking

"Okay okay ! We need to walk fast !" Niall says as you hold his hand tight .

After 5 minutes, finally ! you've find your way out from the haunted house . you are so pissed with niall because of this . The both of you ended up sitting on the bench , watching the ferris wheel

"hey y/n" he smiles

"yeah ?" you answers while looking at him

"i love you so much , thank you for your existance that makes me feel strong to face everything in life everyday" Niall presses his lips on yours

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