He talks about you on the radio

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a/n; where y/n who is dating niall is also a famous artist. After being away for quite some time, Niall slips in an interview that he is in love with the reader and other cute stuff occurs.

Your P.O.V

I rolled over in my bed to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear.

5:45 am. Day 30 without seeing Niall. The striking light of my phone was  followed shortly thereafter by a strew of texts, alerts, missed calls and emails. I had just concluded my promotional tour for a new single included on a highly anticipated third album and I was not short of texts of congratulations and praise.

I scrolled through all of the texts shoving kudos down my throat, looking for one text in particular. And when I found it my face tore over a smile.

"Hey baby. I know its early but I'm leaving the apartment now, I'll be on the air around 11 here, 6 there. Cant wait to  see you tomorrow. x"

Niall had a scheduled radio appearance in London in support of his new single, On the Loose.   Niall was staying in his apartment in London while I was tucked away, quietly in my loft in New York.

After the interview that morning, Niall was scheduled to go to a photoshoot and then he was to be on the soonest flight over to New York after his final appointment in London.

I had chosen to wake up to watch the broadcasted interview because while on my own promo tour, I really didn't have enough time to keep up with Niall's press dates to really give his interviews a proper listen.

I leaned over the side of my bed to turn on the light that was resting on my bed side table. I unplugged my Macbook and cuddled into the thick white sheets on my bed.

I quickly logged onto twitter and searched the Radio 1 account and I clicked on the link they tweeted for the interview.

Niall appeared on the screen, wearing a blue button down and black headphones that hugged his head tightly. Niall was chatting with Nick Grimshaw about the single and just other small talk, really.

I felt so happy to see him so happy. Of course we had our daily facetime dates but something about this interview felt different.

The interview went quickly, Nick asking Niall the questions he usually gets. He talked about how it was living in London, the potential of One Direction getting back together, his upcoming tour and how his family was.

The conversation quickly changed gears and the topic was focused on more personal things. 

"So now its your time to brag, Horan."
"About what?" Niall answered, confused.

"I would say that you have a great deal in life that you can brag about. But your number one reason for bragging rights is the fact that you managed to lock down (y/n)" Nialls face quickly lit up and I felt weird at the sudden mention of my name.

"She's about to go on tour, she announced an album, she just finished a promo tour for that amazing single of hers. How many Grammys has she won? How many VMA's does she have? You've got quite the woman, Niall. I suggest keeping her around."

His smile got even wider, and he beamed with pride. I started to blush not only because of the compliments from Nick, but because of how excited Niall seemed just to talk about me in public.

"Uhh yeah! (Y/n) is great. I never actually imagined I'd be so lucky to have someone like her, or her at all for that matter. And to answer your question," Niall slipped in, sitting up and raising his finger, in a sarcastic like manner.

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