Missing [3]

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"Wake up bitch!" Alex yelled on YN's ear.

You wake up and go to the kitchen to make him some breakfast. After having their breakfast,Alex bring you to bridal shop. He want to married her tomorrow. His parents know about this. You want to run from this thing but you can't.

After an hour,both of youwent home. Alex ask you something. You don't even want to hear what Alex will tell you. Alex's children look at both of you with a sad face. They don't want you to get murder by Alex. Alex handed back your cellphone to contact your family and friends for your wedding day tomorrow.

"I don't want to do this." you said

"Huh,why? Because of what?" Alex replied

"I'm Niall's girlfriend,I can't marry you like this." You fight back

"Fuck! You're such a hoe!" Alex pushed you until you falls

"Beat me! Beat!" You shouted


You cry and call Niall. You are so afraid sitting with an abusive guy like Alex .

"H-hello" You said

"Oh my goodness honey,where are you?" Niall grinned

"I can't tell you where I am. I know that you and my family are gathering right. Me and Alex are g-getting." You gulped

"Getting what? WHAT Y/N?!"

"M-married." You sobs

"Huh,this is what you've done to me. Playing with my feelings like Holly used to do!" Niall end the phone call and tell everyone about the marriage. you put your head on a pillow and cry. "IM A BAD GIRLFRIEND! I DONT KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY BOYFRIEND's FEELINGS! IM SUCH A FOOL!" you pulled your hair and cry even more.

Niall P.O.V

I tell everyone about Y/N's marriage and they are all shocked! Logan also panicking and don't know what to do. Logan try to help me searching for her but finally we know where's the wedding will be held at. Me,Logan,Makenzie,YN'S sisters and her mum have a plan. We will make sure that the plan will work. I will make sure that the police and the hospital worker to be with us.  I know this is not a good idea but Im sure that it'll work


-the next day-

You are in the dressing room with some stylist. You keep tweeting for help. You don't want this to be happen. You really hope that niall and your family will save you from this.

Mrs Y/M/N, Makenzie and your Sisters come into the dressing room. All of them hugged each other and tell you how much they missed you

"Where's niall?" You ask

"Rachel stop panicking. We're here to help you escape." Makenzie replied

All of them planned before youwalk on the aisle with your dad. Mr Y/F/N handed you to Alex.

"Will you take Y/L/N as your wife."

"I do" Alex replied

"Will you take Alex Tris Schneider as your husband?"

"I-i "

"STOP!" Niall shouted

"Niall!" You run to him and hugs him tight .

"Please Alex stop it!" Niall said

"Stop bothering people marriage please?" Logan said

"Oh well well,this is the two beloved men that Y/N  used to date." Alex laugh

Alex take his gun out and shoot at Logan but you pushed Logan and the bullet hit your arms.

"Why would you saved me?"

"Doesn't matter I don't love you Logan."

The police one and take Alex to the police station. You fainted and didn't wake up. Niall and Logan rushed you to the hospital.


You wake up and see you're in the hospital. You try to get up but but hand is still hurt.

"Hey,you need a rest love." The nurse said,pushing you back to the bed.You let out a deep sigh,knowing you're in a big trouble right now.

"Hey,love."a voice said behind those doors before it gets louder as the doors opened.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You frowns.Logan sit next to you,striking a sad look.As he touches your hand,you pulls back.

" where's niall?" You asked Logan with tears in her eyes.

"Rachel calm the fuck down." Logan comfort her.

"You want me to calm down? Woahhh I can't I need him please!" You shouted.

Niall open the door and take a seat beside you.

"Hey baby,I'm here I'm here." Niall kiss your forehead.

"Why did I'm in the hospital? What happen recently?" You questioned.

"Well,Alex shoot Logan but you save him so you're the target. The bullet hit your arms and you fainted. So the both of us rush you to the hospital." Niall smiled.

"Where's Alex?" You asked

"Y/N, you shouldn't ask about him right now. I'll give you guys some moments together" Logan smile and walk out

"You are save now okay baby ? there's nothing will stop our relationship no matter what" Niall strokes your hair and presses his lips on yours .

You missed the kiss . you miss everything on him . Now , you are back , with your loves one .



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