Babe , Its cold outside

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The fire crackled and the smell of the fresh cut spruce tree made you feel warm inside. You smiled at the boy who sat on the couch next to you. His large hands wrapped around the mug as if his hands were freezing.

Niall was a friend of yours for a while now, but the past month or so you started to grow a bit closer. Which of course you didn't mind. He was a sweet boy.

"You look lovely tonight (Y/N)." Niall spoke sipping at his hot cocoa.

The blush that rose on his cheeks after the statement made your heart flutter.

"Thanks, and you look handsome yourself, Nialler."

The corners of his mouth curved into a smile while he diverted his eyes from yours, he wanted nothing more then to kiss your heavenly lips that were stained red with some sort of expensive lipstick.

"It's getting late, I should probably head home." You sighed looking at the watch around your wrists.

Niall's smile faded quickly from his face at your words, "Oh." Was his only response, sounding very disappointed.

"Sorry babe, it's just Christmas is tomorrow and my mom will have have a fit if I'm not home in a 'reasonable hour'" You mocked your mother's voice at the end.

It's not that you wanted to leave Niall's company, but your parents will be upset if you weren't home for the holiday.

Placing the mug onto the coffee table you went to go retrieve your shoes and coat, but as you were on your way you spotted the white flakes falling from the December night sky.

"When did it start snowing!" You whined seeing about two inches of snow laying on the grass and concrete.

"Awhile ago." Niall answered simply a sprout of hope in his stomach that you'll decide to stay.

"Ug, I hate driving in the snow."
"Then why don't you? Stay here, I could drive you to your parents in the mornin'." He offered shyly standing from the sofa.

"Niall i-, you know my mom."

"Come on (Y/N), it's snowing so heavy. It's probably not safe. Please? I promise we can wake up at like five and I'll drive you home."

"I don't know, I don't want them to think we hooked up or something."

"They won't, I doubt your parents want you to put yourself in danger." Niall stated.

He really didn't want you to leave, and he would just worry if you drove in weather like this. You looked at him, his beautiful blue eyes looked so hopeful, it kinda broke your heart. "I just don't know..."

"Come on, I have more hot chocolate." He smiled his cute little smile trying his hardest to pursued you.

"Fine, but only for an hour." You gave in, just a little.

Niall was happy with the answer and went to refill your cup.
Another hour passed and the snow let up a bit,

"Well Niall, it's been great but I really must go." You insisted getting up once more slipping on your shoes.

"But i- are you sure. It's still snowing and I didn't hear any plow trucks and it looks so cold."

"I'm not made of sugar love," you laughed trying to find where Niall placed your coat

"I'll survive. I just have to walk to my car."

"Please, you can't. It's to dangerous."

"I already stayed longer Niall. It's
almost 11 I really need to get home. Even if I leave now I won't be home till almost 1."

"Then don't leave, come on." He was begging at this point; so desperate for you to stay.

You looked at him; what's the worst that could happen if you just stayed? Obviously your mom would be upset, but she'll be over it if you get back before Christmas dinner was surved.

Sighing in defeat you slipped your shoes back off, "Happy now?" You smiled.

"Yes absolutely, let's watch a movie!" He says excitedly.

"Only if that movie is Rudolph." You giggled.

"Why would I put in anything else?" Niall jokes taking your hand and leading you back to the couch. His hand was large and made your look so small, it was also so warm and soft.

You sat on the soft couch continuing
to sip at the now warm hot chocolate. Niall came back into the room holding the movie and some popcorn. He was so smiley as he put the DVD into the DVD player.

You couldn't help but think how cute he looked in his sweater, that he obviously wore to try and impress you.
As you waited for him to get the movie set up you quickly texted your mom to tell her you'll be home in the morning and shut off your phone.

When he sat back on the sofa he sat away from you which made you slightly upset.

"I'm cold." You said as the movie started to play hoping Niall got the clue and would move closer to you.

He looked at you and after a second akwardly moved closer to you unsure if it was what you wanted. He couldn't help the smile that danced on his lips as you snuggled into his side and put the bowl of popcorn on both of your legs.

For the rest of the night you two watched a large amount of Christmas movies and maybe shared a kiss or two.

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