what a time 🕝

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I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess I need you close by
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing
I haven't been by your side
In a minute, but I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it

I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged my body like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I

I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to
And now we get a bit tense
I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts
I know we didn't make sense
I admit it that I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it

I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged my body like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I

For you and I
For you and I
For you and I
What a time, what a time for you and I
What a time for you and I, yeah
What a time, what a time for you and I

I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
You clinged my body like you wanted it forever
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
For you and I
What a lie, what a lie
For you and I

For you and I (For you)
For you and I (For you)
For you and I (For you and I)
For you and I, yeah

enjoy ;


you and Niall has been seperated for almost five months . There are a lot of misunderstanding happens between the both of you . He tried to ask for forgiveness but you always ignore his texts .

You realise that there are three unread texts from Niall . You miss him like really miss him. I unlocked your phone and reads it . His contact in your phone is still "babe" .


y/n , hey

please im so sorry for doing those things

i swear i regret by signing the contact between me and Hailee .

You hold your tears by deleting all the text that he sent . you realise that it's his fault and he admit it too . You rest your head on your pillow and close your eyes . Memories starts to come and you dont even feel so good at this moment .

You opens back your eyes and logged into your twitter . You realise that Niall tweeted about Julia's EP that already released . You click on the song that he and Julia sings together .

You can feel that the song he wrote with Julia is about you and him breaking up five months ago . your tears fall and you remember the memories you had with Niall until the break up part


you received a call from an unknown person . He told u that you have to come to the park because of something that was really urgent . Today is your birthday and you are so late for the party that your friends planned. Niall also planned something for you tonight.

No one showed up ! You gave up and walk away . You heard a strums of a guitar and a person sings happy birthday for you . you turns back and see Niall , with a bouquet of roses .

"Y/N , honey , happy birthday . i know its getting late but its planned really well" Niall walk towards you and hands in the flower to you

"but my friends ? Niall !" You said and he laughed

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" All of your friends and family appeared and gasped .

You cant believe on that time , he planned your birthday party really well. After few hours , all of them leave , just Niall and you left , cleaning all the mess that you've made there .

"thank you" You put down the plates and hugs niall so tight

"babe , i'll make anything for my favourite girl in the world . " Niall chuckles and the both of you looked at eachother .

Niall let go of the hug and turn on "Paris" by the chainsmokers . He grabbed your waist and the both of you started to dance . Its been such a long time that the both of you didnt spend your time alone together . Niall have been busy lately with his songwritings while you have been busy with school and homeworks .

"im the luckiest to have you in my life Y/N . You've cherish me with happiness and love . i couldnt imagine what i am without you ." Niall says and you lean your head on his chest

"thank you Niall , for everything" The both of you stop dancing by looking at eachother .

"i love you y/n ." Niall pressed his lips on yours

Your memories stops as you hear your doorbell rings . You quickly go downstairs and opens the door . You can see Niall , who is wet because of the rain outside . He's shaking and he smiles

"C-can i come in y/n?" He ask and you nod

Niall comes in wet and you hand him a towel . He takes it and smiles . You sit on the sofa and watch him dry himself off .

"The song explains everything" You says and he looks at you .

"You've heard it?" Niall ask and you nod

"I cant believe how lucky i am to have you in my life for four in a half year Niall . Im so lucky ." You smiles trying to hold the tears

"I cant believe how lucky i am too . I used have the sweetest girl in my life for four in a half year . Im stupid for signing the contract for being in a relationship with Hailee . i am so sorry Y/N" Niall says and your tears falls

" I just cant believe that you still think about the break up even it has been so long Niall" You chuckles while your tears fall . Niall smiles and sit right next to you .

"You're still my favourite girl y/n , im not going to forget about you . I love you and im not going to stop loving you until my last breath y/n" Niall interwines his hand on yours.

"i love you too Niall James" You looks at him while he wipes away all your tears .

"Look lets start this over , i promise im not going to leave you ever again y/n , even for the management" Niall pulls you into his hug .


a/n ; okay hi !!! updated ! okay so comment what u think and dont forget to vote ! ily all and WHAT A TIME IS A BOP ! GOODNIGHT💗

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