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Your P.O.V

I just come back from school . As usual you will get into my shared bedroom with Niall and see Niall is scrolling through his phone as usual .I throw my bag on the floor and slam my body on the bed right next to him

Today is really the worst where people said i only use Niall because of his money not because i love him . For real,i love him . This all keep playing in my mind . My tears fall and Niall notices

"Princess,what's wrong ?" Niall put his phone on the night stand and fix his posture to face me

"eh,no no . Im fine" I wipe away those tears and look at his ocean blue eyes .

"baby you are lying to me . Did something bad happens at school ?" He ask and stroke my hair

"hm" I answers . Niall moves his body closer to me and makes me lay on his chest .

"what did they said to you know ? tell me princess" Niall looks at me and i look back at him

"they said that i used you . I only want your money but all of that isn't real . I really love you since the first i saw you in what makes you beautiful" My tears fall and Niall chuckled

"Princess,let them say those things to you . Because they don't have what you have . You have me . They not . Even your friends that is a hardcore fan of me didn't get a chance to have me as his boyfriend love" Niall smiles and kissed my temples

"but i still recovering from my self harm Ni . Im not strong enough to face this . I feel like an outsider when im with them . They didn't even treat me like you did Ni . I feel like im only an attention seeker who seeks for an attention from people" I interwines my hand into Niall's and cry .

"Hey,don't tell yourself that you are an attention seeker . I understand how depressed you are . I don't care if you are suicidal or bulimic or depressed . You are really perfect to me . Let them thinks that you are worthless . You are worth than them . I promise,i will always love you and never leave you all alone" Niall wipes my tears .

"I love you Ni"

"I love you too princess . Promise me,don't even self harm again . If you have any problem to tell just let me know . I'm here for you,forever and always love ." Niall kissed me once again .

boring little bit sorry bcs ive been through rough time and recovering from self harm . sorry guys :(

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