love is money

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You shudder a bit as you glance at the price tag of the dress you were looking at, quickly pushing it back onto the rack and moving on, trying to find something a little more in your price range. Right now you would settle for something under $500.

You had to find a dress for the event Niall was bringing you to in two days. He had surprised you with the shoes, fancy high stilettos that shimmered and twinkled in the light. You had to get a dress just as magnificent to match but the problem was that a dress to match those, or really anything from this store at all, would cost your entire paycheck.

You soon gave up on this shop and left, heading out on the crowded street, blending into the crowd as they bustled along. You try to take a few deep breaths as you find a bench to sit on, resting your hands on your face, your elbows on your knees.

Your relationship with Niall was the absolute best. He adored you, cherished you, showed you how much he loved you every single day. The two of you always had fun, were open with each other, traveled and went on adventures - that was exactly the problem. Niall was able to afford trips and getaways; you couldn't.

Sure, he paid for your things a lot but he didn't know how tight on money you really were because you never let him know. You didn't want him to know that his own girlfriend couldn't keep up with the lifestyle he lived, he would surely leave you to find someone who could.

You ended up in a little boutique and actually found a nice looking dress that matched the shoes and the event perfectly, and better yet it was in your budget.

Then though, once the event was over there was always something else. Niall wanted you to go to LA with him for a week while he worked on his album a bit but when you looked at your bank account and thought about all of the time that you would miss work, it filled you with a sense of dread and you'd had to say no.

"Somethin' botherin' you, love?" Niall asks you one night on the drive to his house from having dinner with some friends. Niall, you, and your group of friends always took to taking turns on who paid the check when you all went out. Tonight was your turn to pay. You knew it was coming so you had saved up but everyone decided to go with the expensive drinks and extra desserts. Your bank account was basically cleared out and you weren't sure how much longer you could do this. "Love?" Niall reaches one hand off the wheel and takes your hand, tangling his fingers within yours, squeezing a bit. He glances over at you quickly, frowning.

"Niall," You whisper, your head resting against the cool glass of the window beside you. You lift your head, looking straight ahead out the windshield and focus on the strong warmth his hand was bringing you.You squeeze it tighter, trying to get as much strength from his touch as you could before you lost it forever. "I can't keep doing this." Your voice was so quiet, you weren't sure he even heard it over the hum of the car.

"Doin' what?" There was a slight waver to his voice as he caught on to your emotions, afraid of what was coming next. He glances over at you again but your face was hidden in the dark, only being able to be seen with the occasional flash of light from a street lamp as you passed it.

"I can't live this kind of lifestyle, your kind of lifestyle." You sit up a little straighter in your seat, taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh. "I'm not like you, Niall."

"Like me?" Niall repeats, pure confusion laced in his voice. "Wha' does tha' mean?" Niall so badly wanted to pull over the car so he could talk about this face to face and not in the darkness of a vehicle but he was almost back to his house so he didn't stop.

"I'm not meant to do the things that you can. Buy expensive clothes, go out for $300 dinners every night, go to whatever country feels right at the moment." You explain, releasing his hand to run both of your hands through your hair, trying to keep the tears away.

"I.. I don'..." Niall was clearly confused as he pulled into his driveway, turning off the car once it was parked. He turns to face you and neither of you make a move to get out of the car.

"Do you know how much money is left in my bank account after paying for dinner tonight, Niall?" He was silent, blinking at you a few times as you look over at him. "$2.84. That's it. To last me until next week's payday." A tear falls down your cheek then but you hastily wipe it away, looking away from his frowning face, not wanting to see that look of sadness and confusion flashing across his features.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Niall whispers, resting an elbow against the door and scratching his fingers along his jawline, looking out the front window. Niall felt terrible. He had no idea you were having such money problems. If he had any idea he wouldn't have let you pay for all of this, he would have helped, done something.

"I don't want to be some charity case, Niall." You answer him, wiping at your still wet cheeks. "I wanted to believe I could fit in, that I could be a part of your life, but I just can't." Before you could truly start crying you reach for the door handle and pull it open, sliding out of Niall's car and heading for your own beside his, ready to go back to your own small little house and close yourself off for a bit.

"Okay, look," Niall had gotten out of the car as well and rushed over to you, grabbing for your arm to pull you to a stop. "Love, I don't care about how much money you have."

"Well I do, Niall, I want to do all of these things with you but I just can't. And I won't let you pay for all of these things." You look up into his striking blue eyes, seeing how concerned and upset he was. You bring a hand up to rest on his cheek, feeling the rough stubble against your fingertips. You give him a watery smile.

"You can find someone who fits that lifestyle, someone who can afford to do all of the things that I can't." He shakes his head, giving an exasperated sigh.

"I would be jus' as okay to sit here at home, watching TV all day in our pajamas and eating take out every nigh' than go out to expensive dinners, or to events, or on trips. As long as 'm with you," His voice lowers as he speaks,

" i don't care what we do." Before you could say anything he has a hand on each side of your face and is kissing you.

"You think I care about your money? Me lifestyle is whatever we are doing as long as we're together. I'll help you, love." You started to protest but he cuts you off with two fingers over your lips, looking down at you.

"Not as a charity or a hand out, but because you deserve it."

"Niall..." You sigh, still unsure. You didn't feel right making him pay for you all of the time. "I'll pay sometimes still.." You offer and he smiles.

"Are we finished talking about this now?" He questions with a grin and you finally return it, reaching up to wipe at your tears and give a nod.

"I guess." He grins, that cute adorable grin that you were absolutely in love with before resting his hands on your hips and kissing you deeply, his lips so soft and gentle against yours.

"Now, le' me take ya inside and show ya somethin' we can do that doesn' require any expensive clothes, or food, or really any money at all." He smirks, giving you that sultry look that you knew you could never resist .

a/n ; i change the book name to imagines which make it easier ! anyways pls send request . i need to write more . ily❤️

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