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Niall Horan

"Felicity! Wake up! Wake up! I woke her up

" what is it daddy? It's 7:00 in the morning " Felicity replied,scrubbing her eyes.

"Today is your first day of school remember?." I asked,smiling at her.

"School?! Noooo!" She frowned

"Nawh sweetie, I'll be there waiting for ya okay?"

"Mummy?" She asked,looking at me

"Mummy isn't goin' to be there hun. Don't worry I'm there with ya." I smiled hugging her.

Rachel Shelton


Logan and I were going to send Olivia for school. Well,this will be my first time sending my daughter to school. Finally we all arrived. This is Ireland so yeah. She will be schooling at my old kindergarten.

Logan and I get out from the car. Olivia was six this year. I know Niall will find me. I think he knows that I'm in Ireland.

"y/n! y/n!!" I heard a guy called my name. That's weird because I don't even tell my fans or anyone that I'm sending my daughter to this kindergarten.

I turned my body back and saw Niall. Gosh,Felicity was with him. Did we just met? Oh fuck why now?!

"Mummy!" Felicity ran and hugged me.

I pat her back,crying because I'm fucking miss her! I miss her so much. I know Olivia was jealous.

Logan pulled me away from Felicity and Niall. I can only look at their face,can't talk to them at all. I wiped away my tears and smiled.

"y/n,can I ask you something." Logan said

"Uh what is it logie?"

"Do you want to be back with Niall and leave me with Olivia all alone again?"

It's hard for me to decide. I can only smiled because I don't know what to answer.

After 25 minutes,we arrived home. I went to Logan and I shared bedroom and shut the door. I can't forget that I met Niall and Felicity. Oh my lord,I miss them so much. I wish Niall will feel the same.

I unlocked my phone and I saw a lot of text messages. I realise that one of them was from Niall. I opened the text and read it.

"Hun I think we should meet." The text said.

"Uh,where can we meet?" I send the text

"At the park that we used to spend out time together." He replied

"Okay,see you in a few minutes."

I pick up the car keys and drove to the park. After 30 minutes I arrived. I find Niall,keep finding him but I can't found where the fuck he is.

"Hi" Niall said,standing in front of me

"Hi too. So how are you?" I asked him.

He look so so ugh. I can't describe it. His face was pale. Did he sick or what?

"I'm not feeling a bit well. Our house was a mess. I didn't have a much time to clean it. I cooked for the kids,helping them with their home works..." Niall explained,coughing

"Hold on hold on,you're sick? And you don't even tell me?" I asked

"We are on a fight remember?"

"Oh,I forgot. I'm sorry." I looked down

"Babe." Niall cooed

"Yes Niall?" I replied,with tears in my eyes

"Do you want me to be yours back?" Niall asked,holding my hands. His hands was cold.

"If I say yes,do you still want to accept me? I asked.

"Yes I will accept you back babe." Niall replied hugging me.


"But what babe?" Niall asked,looking deep into my eyes.

"I'm living with Logan and Olivia now. I'm afraid that they don't want to let me go." I replied,wiping my tears.

Niall looked at me. I know I already hurt his feelings. I know I'm not a good wife for him and a good mother for Felicity and Max.

I realise that I'm a total jerk face. Hurting his feeling. It wasn't easy to fix his heart back. I want to leave with him again,having breakfast together,cuddle in bed all night. I miss all of that. I think he missed it too.

"Honey,I need to go. Felicity and Max need me. I love you. So much." Niall gave me his passionate kiss and leave me at the park.


•hi guys! Its been so long I didn't update niall horan imagines. I hope you guys like the new three chapters that I already published. Sorry if there is a lot of grammar mistakes

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