photographer ( 1 )

957 12 2

*you are Harry's sister in this series*

I need to prepare some lenses for seven months of taking pictures for my brother's tour tomorrow . i can't believe that i'll be taking his pictures with some amazing photographers that he hires . I put some of those lenses in the bag and put it on my study table . i will  not going to forget if i put it there .

"Y/N! Dinner's here!"  Harry calls me and yes he doesn't cook ! ughhh i know we need to leave after dinner but pleasee cookk i miss his cooking ugh !

i go downstairs , singing Treat you better by Shawn Mendes and sit on the chair . chinese food ? again ? its been third time this week Harry !

"Here , eat fast . we are leaving in 30 mins !" Harry sits infront of me and smiles .

"Big bro , why you dont just cook for me ! i miss your cookings" I pout and Harry chuckles .

"Y/N,we will be leaving soon and i need some rest you know , tomorrow is a big day !" Harry smiles and i eat the food that is serve on the plate .

"so i cant believe that i'll be working again ! i miss this moment ! i remember when you were on tour and yes ! that's the last time i take pictures" I scroll through my instagram feed and see christiian 's post

He's so good at taking pictures . I wish i can be good as him too . but im okay as long as Harry loves my work .

"Look" Harry shows a cute picture of our cats back at cheschire

"Aw , they are so cute. when will we are going to go back homee?" I ask and hands him back his phone .

"Maybe later ? i'll set the date dont worry!" Harry chuckles and i continue to eat .

15 minutes later , i do the dishes as we finish our dinner . Thank god it's just the two of us in this house . Harry will usually invites his friends to come over . Im not that comfortable with it sometimes but im used to it . I get my bags and close the bedroom door of mine .

I get down and wait for Harry at the couch . He wants me to be ready but he doesnt even ready yet . sometimes im pissed off with him but nevermind , he is the best brother in the world that i've had .

"Come on Y/N , let's go" Harry smiles as i get up from the couch and walk through the door

30 minutes later , we arrive at the airport . I know we are riding the private jet of Harry's . im excited because i will meet the crews and those amazing photographers that i will work with . IM SO HAPPY !  I sit infront of Harry and the both of us are busy scrolling through our phones . My phone rings and without any hesitations , i pick up the call .

"Hello , is this Y/L/N?" A guy ask , weird .

"Yes it's her , what's wrong?" I reply . Harry looks at me and i can only give him a smile

"Oh i can see through your instagram that you are so good at taking tour pictures . I realise that you're working with Harry Styles" He continues .

"Okay , who is this?" I ask and he chuckles

"oh im sorry , i forget to tell you that I'm Niall Horan's manager and i believe that Mr Horan is intrested to hire you to be one of his photographer" He replies and i quickly looks at harry

"Who is it?" Harry ask and i put my phone aside .

"It's a person , telling that he is Niall Horan manager ." I reply and put the phone back on my ear .

"Uh sir , can you call me back later ? I need to think about this . Thank you for calling"

"Okay" He hungs up and i slowly slide myself down from the seat .

Harry laughs and helps me up .

"What now Y/N?" Harry ask . I dont want to ruin Harry's world tour by telling him this

"Nothing just you know pictures and stuffs" I sighs and look into my brother's green  eyes .

"Sis , just tell me . do he wants you to be Niall's photographer?" Harry ask and i nod

"Oh Y/N , hey , im not going to be mad at you . Infact , i know you are now 19 and can figure what is the best for you . But i will be happy if you want to work with him . " Harry smiles and i shook my head .

" Y/N, Niall is a nice person . Remember One Direction ? Yes the blonde one that you admire the most ! You met him once Y/N i swear he will love your work and He will treat you nice" Harry chuckles

"really ? Does he knows that im your sister Harry?" I ask and Harry laughs .

"Of course he does silly ! Trust me you will be fine ." Harry pat my thighs and i smiles

"Can i work with you for a week or days ? i need time to think about it" I ask

"Yes sure baby sister . It means you accept the offer then?" Harry smirks and i nod

Dear Niall Horan , whoever you are just please be a nice person to me . Dont get angry . Im ready to be your photographer like you want .

authors note ; hi i hope you like this . comment ily . and the requests are coming❣️

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