please talk to me

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Niall was just tired. He didn't want to deal with anyone today. So, after he left the studio he turned his phone off and shut himself away in his large home. He knows deep down he should have probably told you that he would be unavailable for the rest of the day but in that moment he really didn't care if you tried to get a hold of him or not - it was just one of those days.

You didn't think much of his not answering at first. You weren't sure what time he would be finishing up at the studio so when he didn't answer you around early evening you put it down to him just being still there and not having looked at his phone. But as dinner time came and went and he never answered you, even though you thought the two of you had planned on seeing each other for dinner, you started to get concerned.

"Hey, Ni, it's me.. Just calling to see what the plans for the evening are. Haven't heard from you since this morning. Call me back, babe." You hang up the phone after leaving the quick message before you decide to make yourself dinner as you had waited long enough, you felt.

Eventually, after you had eaten, cleaned up, done some simple chores around the house and still had no answer from your boyfriend you grab your purse and car keys and head for his place. You see his car parked out front when you pull up and lights were on inside, which made you frown. If he was home, why wasn't he answering you?

It took a couple minutes of knocking before you finally heard his footsteps approaching and heard the click of the lock before the door opened. Niall stood before you looking like he had just woken up from a nap with his hair laying in odd ways and his eyes a little red with sleep.

"Hey, babe," He greets after clearing his throat.

"Hey, babe? That's what I get after you completely ignore me all day?" Your eyebrows raise as you watch him roll his eyes and give a shake of his head. "What's going on, Niall?"

"What's goin' on? Nothin' is goin' on. Jus' wanted a day to meself." He answers, giving a small shrug. "Been a rough day and didn' wan' t' answer to anyone, wanted to be alone."

"And what, you thought I wouldn't understand that so you didn't even let me know? You just completely ignore me." You could feel the anger welling up in you. Sure, you were sorry that Niall had a bad day but to treat you like this, to completely ice you out was not acceptable. Niall rolls his eyes now though and that shocked you. Niall never acted like this, he was always willing to talk with you but now as you watch him cross his arms over his chest and give you a slight glare you knew tonight that wasn't the case. 

"You wouldn' have understood, ya woulda jus' wanted to come over to try 'nd take care of me." He argues. "Maybe it was you I wanted the space from most!" You gasp then, your eyes widening.

"Are you kidding me?!" You take a step back from him, shaking your head. "I see how it is then. You wanted space from me, Niall, you can have all the space that you want." You turn then, rushing back towards your car as you try to keep the tears at bay.

"Wait, I didn' mean tha'! Please, come back!" He yells after you but you keep going, getting behind the wheel as quick as you could. "Babe!" You start your car quickly as your vision swam.

It only took ten minutes to get back to your house but you were a complete crying mess by the time you pulled up to your driveway. Your phone was ringing over and over again as well as notifying you of text after text but you ignore it all and head inside. You knew Niall would be coming over so you lock the door, toss your phone on the dining room table, turn out all the lights and go upstairs to your bedroom where, after kicking off your shoes, you curl up under the blankets.

You hear Niall's car pull up and you hear his knocks on the door but you ignore it. For whatever reason, you had done something to make Niall not want to be around you so you were giving that to him. It hurt, it hurt your heart so much for this to be happening. You and Niall had been together for almost a year and everything seemed perfect, you seemed to fit into each others lives perfectly so why all of a sudden had things changed?

Niall, meanwhile, was trying everything he could to get inside so he could talk to you. What he had said didn't come out how he meant it but he knows how it looked and he knows how it sounded. He kept seeing that hurt look in your eye after he said it, the way your eyes welled up with tears as you rushed away from him and all he needed was to make it better.

"Love, please! Answer me!" He calls, banging on the hardwood of your door. It was then that he remembered you had given him a spare key so he pulled out his keys from his pocket and found the correct one. Once you heard that he'd gotten inside, you shot up from your bed and ran to your bedroom door, closing and locking it. He didn't have a key to this one.

"Babe?" His knock was soft against the door but you say nothing, leaning against the wall beside the door as more tears fall down your cheeks. All you wanted to do was wrap yourself against his warm chest, feel his strong arms wrapped around you but his words of wanting to be away from you kept playing in your head so you keep your ground. "Le' me in, please, I know you're there," His voice was so quiet, clearly full of regret.

You remain quiet, even when he falls silent as well. You wonder if maybe he had given up and waited to hear his footsteps retreating but it never came. You move closer to the door, leaning your ear against it to listen for him.

"Please, please, I'll do anythin', jus' talk to me." His voice was full of such heartache and you realize then that he was in tears. "I didn' mean it, I swear," Niall was all but sobbing now, chocking on the words as they came out. "'m an idiot, you're the las' person I ever want space from, and tha's the truth. You are who I wan' beside me always, today was jus' one of those days and I didn' mean to take i' ou' on ya. Please, love, talk to me."

"Niall," You say right as you grab for the door handle and pull it open. You both are met with the others tear stained faces.

"Baby," He gasps and doesn't even wait for you to object or pull away before he wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you tight against him as he buries his face in your neck. "'m sorry, 'm so sorry," He was crying again as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"Having a bad day doesn't mean you push away those who care about you like this, Niall," You tell him after a few seconds of just letting him cry into your neck. He pulls back, his arms staying tight around you. You give him a sad look, reaching up to wipe at his wet cheeks.

"I don' know wha' I was thinkin'. Do you think you can forgive me? Please, love, please," You stare into those tear filled eyes as he searches your face for some kind of answer. "I love you, please, don' give up on me." His words were so quiet but they made your heart race and you couldn't help but smile.

"I'll never give up on you, Niall," You promise, meaning it completely. "But next time you have a bad day, just send me a simple text that you would like to be alone, yeah?" He breaks into a grin and nods before he sighs.

"'m such an idiot." He releases one arm from around you to wipe at his still damp cheeks. You give a laugh and nod with a small shrug.

"Do you still want to be alone," You start, running your fingers down his chest as you smirk a bit. "or could you go for some company?" His grin turns into a smirk to match yours as his arm goes back around you and he pulls you just a bit tighter against him and his lips press against yours.

"Mmm," He purrs against your lips. "Company, yes, I wan' the company," He mumbles, his lips barely leaving yours as he begins to walk, walking you backward back into your bedroom. "Le' me show ya jus' how much I enjoy your company." He says, kicking the bedroom door shut with his foot. You can't help the playful laugh that escapes your lips as he lifts you up and then tosses you back onto your bed.

"Maybe you should be an idiot more," You tell him as he starts unbuttoning his shirt, standing at the edge of your bed. He frowns, one eyebrow shooting up as he pushes his shirt from his shoulders.

"Why?" He questions. You sit up, reaching for his belt and pulling him down on top of you. You wrap your legs around his hips, running your fingers over his now bare chest.

"Because then we get makeup sex and I've heard that's the best kind of sex," You respond and he joins with the smirk before he leans in to kiss you.

"I do like the sounds of that. Let's see if that's true or not."

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