Little suprise after he brings you on tour

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You and Niall had just arrive home about 20 minutes ago . The both of you don't even have unpacked your stuffs yet . You guys sitting on the sofa cuddling and watching tv shows .

You scrolls through your instagram feed and see a lot of pictures of your friends in their bedroom probably you see this when they are mirror selfieing .
To be honest , you never had a beautiful bedroom with those lights and polaroids . You have taken a lot of polaroids with Nialls but you can't remember where you put it.

You and Niall shared the bedroom in his house . You never enter the other two rooms in his house . He always keeps the doors close and you dont know why .

"You really think that their bedroom are prettier than you babe?" Niall ask and look at your phone

"Maybe . I guess ." You stares at your phone .

Niall turns off the Tv and take away your phone from you . Niall look at your recent search about bedroom decoration and stuffs . He laughed and look at you .

"What so funny?" You ask and trying to take back your phone

"Babe , i have a suprise for you but i never telling you about this" Niall pulls your hand and makes you follows him to upstairs .

"Okay what are you bringing me up here ? Like there's nothing in our shared bedroom " You said as he opens one of the door that he always keeps it close

"Close your eyes first" Niall says and you close your eyes .

Niall pulls you into the bedroom that he and the lads made when you are busy with collage and stuffs .

"Now open your eyes babe" Niall says and you opens it

The room is full with lights and polaroids pictures hanging on it . You can see a lots of you and Niall's pictures together in the polaroid and smiles . You also see there is an IMac and Macbook pro on the table . You feel like crying right now .

"When did you do this Nialler?" You ask and look at him

"Well,you are sometimes not here with me so , me and the lads were working on decorating this room just for you . Im sorry for taking our polaroids from the drawer but i really need it to hang it there" Niall points at the strings .

"You are so sweet baby ! Like this room is goals af i cant even thank you enough Nialler . " You hugs him and he smiles

"anything for my princess . Im happy if you are happy . I love you baby girl" Niall kiss your forehead

"I love you more Niall" You smiles.

okay this must be boring but hey ! im back and imma write more . goodnight

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