Kim's Wedding💍💗

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So you have received an invatation from Niall's friend,Kim . The both of you are invited ! You quickly runs to your and Niall's shared bedroom and bring along the invatation card . Niall is scrolling through his phone while you are walking to him for giving him the card .

"It's today babe" You hands him the invitation card and he smiles

"I know . But when will it be our turn?" Niall ask and put his phone on the nightstand

"What kind of question is that ! Now go and get ready" You says as you walk to the closet to choose the perfect dress for the wedding .

It takes 40 minutes for you to get ready with the make ups on your face . Niall is already waiting for so long at downstairs . You take your phone and bag and quickly go downstairs .

"Babe,you look beautiful" Niall says as he opens the door for you.

"Thank you Ni . You look hot in this !" You says as the both of you get into the car .

After 50 minutes , you both arrives at the place . Niall's interwines his hands into yours and the both of you walk in together . You can see Eleanour and Louis here .

"Aye mate!" Niall says to Lou as they are hugging eachother

"Y/N it's been so long since we didn't see eachother" Eleanour says and hugs you

"Yeah ! We should go shoppings sometimes" You says and Eleanour laughs .

You and Niall take yours seat at your table and watch Kim and her husband are giving some speech to the guests .
On that time , Niall hold your hands and looks at you

"I hope,you are the woman that says ' I do' on my wedding day" Niall smiles .

"I hope that you are the man that says 'I do' as well on my wedding" You says and place your head on his shoulder while watching Kim and her husband giving the speech .

You keep thinking about your past,the school kid that kept saying that you were fat and an attention whore . On that time you were suffering with Bulimia . Now you are recovering and everything is doing fine by now .

Kim finishes her speech by kissing her husband. Niall looks at you and placed his lips on yours . You really hope that the man that will marry you is the man who is kissing you .

Niall head to drinks with some of his friends while you are sitting and scrolls through your IMessage . Your friend texted you an hour ago to meet you but you didn't reliesed that she texted .

"Y/N you should go and check on Niall" Louis says to you and makes you stand

"What's wrong?" You follows Louis and he points at Niall and some people are dancing to Slow Hands

"You should bring him home" Louis says and you nods

You walk to Niall and he smiles at you . He's really drunk and you didnt like it when he's drunk .

"Baby,your shirt is already unbuttoned . What happens?" You says trying to put on the buttons back

"Baaaabbbee,come and dancee" He says .

You take away his glass and makes him follows you to the car . Before you leave, You thanked Kim for inviting the both of you. Then you drive home .

After 40 minutes , you arrived . You help Niall to stand and walks to your shared bedroom . Niall is still drunk and probably talking to himself

"Niall,we should go to bed by now . Like it's almost 3 in the morning" You says and makes him lay next to you

"Baby,i donnnttt wannaaaa sweeepp" He says

"It's sleep , not sweep" You chuckled .

"I love you,goodnight" You says and close your eyes

"I love you too Y/N" Niall says and pressed his lips on yours

a/n aaaaa this is boring af

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