Enchanted by waitress

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Your job was dull. You had to put up with rude customers, annoying co-workers and all for minimum wage. Sure, it made ends meet but you couldn't wait until you were able to get out of this place. You took it one day at a time and just kept in mind that this was helping you save up for a better future.

You figured that today would be no different. It was between rushes so the restaurant was a little dead at the moment. You were working on refilling salt shakers and napkin holders when in walked an attractive blond headed man. He was tall and skinny and had the most adorable grin on his face as he joked with a long haired man walking in behind him.

It took a second but you recognized them eventually. They were in that band One Direction. You weren't a huge fan so you didn't know their names but as they were one of the biggest bands around at the moment and their faces were plastered everywhere, you recognize them. Their music was decent and you were stunned that they had just walked into your restaurant.

"That's Harry Styles and Niall Horan!" Your co-worker hisses in your ear. Sure enough, those names seemed familiar so you knew she was right. You and Niall then made eye contact across the restaurant and you saw his smile falter just a little before it came back bigger than ever. He couldn't seem to be able to break the eye contact he had with you. "Shall I take them, then?" You turn to your co-worker and shake your head, earning a laugh. "Well get going then." You take a deep breath, and with Niall still watching you, head over to the two of them.

"Hi!" You greet, your voice a little higher pitched than normal. You clear your throat and continue. "Just the two of you?" You question.

"Yes, please." Harry responds, Niall still seeming to be lost in a trance as he watched you. You give a polite smile and nod, grabbing for two menus.

"Right this way." You lead them over to a booth in your section and place their menu's before them after they've sat. "I'm Y/N, I'll be serving you tonight. What would you like to drink?"

"I'll just have a water, please." Harry says. You give a nod and turn to Niall who after a few seconds of just staring at you manages to break out of his trance and with a blush on those cute cheeks of his mutter out a water as well.

"I'll be right back with those." As you head back to get those, your co-workers come up and ask what they said to you. You explain Niall's behavior with a grin and glance back over at him. He looks away quickly, having been watching you. Harry laughs and Niall blushes even more, giving a shy smile as he shakes his head.

After you bring them their drinks and take their food order, Niall still blushing bright red, you go back to filling the salt shakers as you had no other table but every once in a while you would look up and make eye contact with Niall, both of you sharing a smile.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Harry questions you after you set their food down in front of them. You were shocked for a second and can tell that Niall just aimed a kick at Harry's legs but Harry ignores it, smiling up at you instead. You glance over at Niall who sighs and shakes his head. Harry goes on speaking. "It's just that we have a show tomorrow night and Niall wants you to go." You look back over at Niall who finally makes eye contact with you for the first time since you walked over.

"If you're not doing anything, o'course." He mutters, giving a shrug but smiles at you. You can't help but smile back, already wanting to see that smile as much as possible.

"Tomorrow is my day off so I have some free time." You explain. "But on a waitress' wages I can't afford a One Direction concert."

"Told you she knew who we were, Ni." Harry jokes, grinning over at his friend who groans.

"Why is it your goal t' embarrass me today?" Harry just laughs before Niall looks back up at you. "Sorry about him." You laugh and shake your head, waving your hand a bit.

"You're cute when you're flustered so it's okay." You grin with satisfaction as Niall turns bright red.

"You don't have to pay. We'll put you on as Niall's guest." Harry informs you.

"Only if you want to though, don' feel pressured to come." Niall assures you but you grin. "You want to?"

"I would love to." You couldn't believe this. Was this a date? Surely not, but... you kind of hoped it was. "I'll let you guys eat." You give Niall one last smile before you turn away and go back to work.

"Uh.. this is for you." Niall holds out a napkin with his phone number on it after you bring them their check a bit later. "You know.. jus' in case you have trouble gettin' in or anythin'." He shrugs nervously. You never knew Niall was the nervous type but it was adorable.

"Thanks, Niall." As Harry gets up to go pay, Niall too stands up and shocks you as he reaches forward to press a soft kiss to your cheek. His lips were soft and you found yourself craving his touch as soon as it was gone.

"'m glad you said you'll come." He states as he pulls back, giving you a smile - which you easily return. "I just... would really like ta get ta know you, and everythin'." He shrugs but keeps his grin in place.

"I'm looking forward to it." You tell him, matching his grin. And you were, you really were.

"Tomorrow nigh' then." He starts to walk away, turning to give you one last wave and smile before he and Harry head out of the restaurant.

"So, our little Y/N has a date with Niall Horan." Your co-worker comments after you walk back up to her, stuffing the napkin with his number on it in your pocket.

"I don't know if it's a date. It's just his concert - not quite a date." She rolls her eyes at you though.

"It's a date." You can't help but laugh and really hope that it was. You were so looking forward to it and time couldn't pass quick enough. You already missed that adorable face, that gorgeous Irish accent and those stunning blue eyes. You were hooked already and it seemed he was with you as well. You weren't sure when you'd stop smiling but it wouldn't be any time soon.

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