"what are you wearing ? you're overreacting"

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You thought you looked cute. Sure, the outfit was a bit different than something you would normally go for but what was wrong with trying something new and getting out of your comfort zone for a bit, right?

You thought you looked cute and were definitely feeling it so you decided to go with it for dinner out tonight.

You descended the stairs, anxious to hear what your husband Niall had to say about your quite out there new look. He would surely like it, always wanting you to take risks and try new things anyway.

As you stepped down the last step, your brunette husband came in to view. He was perched on the edge of the couch, a guitar resting in his lap. He was wearing his glasses today and one of your favorite shirts of his, a blue button down. He was looking very handsome, needless to say.

"You ready for dinner, love? 'm starvin'." He doesn't look up for a second but when you say nothing, he finally does.

You shift nervously from one foot to the other, scuffing the heel of your shoe against the carpet below you. He then does the last thing you expected him to do and breaks into a loud laugh.

"What are ya wearin'?" You instantly feel a frown pull at your face, warm tears welling up in your eyes.

"What?" You whisper. Never did you think Niall would react like that and laugh at you.

As soon as he picks up on your emotion he quickly puts the guitar down and stands.

"Love, that's not... I didn' mean I don't like it." He rests a hand on your cheek, wiping a stray tear away with your cheek.

You look up into his concerned eyes before shoving him away, slapping at his hand. "Oh, come on now, love, don' be like this."

"Excuse me, I have to go change since I apparently look ridiculous." With that, you turn and stomp towards the stairs, tears still falling from your cheeks. As you went, you lift the shirt off your body, tossing it away.

As you kicked off your shoes, you entered the bedroom and took of the bottoms as well.

"You didn' have to change. You're overreacting." Niall had followed you upstairs, picking up your discarded clothes as he went.

He places them on the bed while you riffle through your dresser, finding a plain pair of jeans. You ignore him as you slide them on and move over towards the closet. "You looked good, babe, it was just ... different."

"Whatever, Niall." You grab for a simple white t-shirt, sliding it over your head. "This good enough?" You turn back, tossing your hands up, hoping he wouldn't laugh at this too.

"Okay, stop." He comes over to you, taking your hands and pulls you against him. His large hands grip at yours for a second before he releases them to take your face in his hands.

You want to push him away but as he presses a kiss to your lips, melding his lips against yours, you feel your anger towards the situation dissipate. "You looked beautiful, I was jus' shocked is all but I loved it and you should wear it to dinner." He says when you pull back but you sigh, shaking your head. "Why not?"

"It really wasn't me," You start, giving a shrug. You reach up, resting your hands on his chest, looking up into that handsome face of his.

As you take in his features, the scruff on his chin, his glasses sliding down his nose a bit, the bits of hair on top of his head that he couldn't tame and were doing their own thing, you feel yourself smile. "I'm much more comfortable like this." And you were.

You didn't need some flashy and out there look to feel like you looked good.

"No matteh wha' ya wear you look gorgeous, love." You grin wider, placing a kiss against his lips.

Both of you smile at each other for a second before you step away to go find some shoes to wear. "Can I take ya out and show off my beautiful wife now?" He asks once you've tied up the laces of your shoes. You smile and nod, reaching for his outstretched hand.

As his fingers wind through yours, he brings your hand up, kissing the back of it. He gives you a grin before leading the way from the room .

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