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Niall's POV

"Have you seen y/n?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual as I gripped Liam's arm.

"No mate, not since we arrived." Liam's short answer was followed by him turning to shake hands with even more people.

 She'd been so excited to come to the Brit Awards with me, but now I'd lost her. The room was filled with a buzz and a crowd, camera lights flashing and music playing loudly.

My heart started to race a little too fast as I whipped around looking for her, whilst shaking hands and talking to familiar and unfamiliar faces. She'd be fine. But it was my job to make sure she's ok. We loved coming to events like this together, and I got to show her off to the world. And she looked stunning tonight, so stunning we almost didn't get out the door in time.

And now she was nowhere to be seen.

She'd be fine.

"Harry, have you seen y/n anywhere?" He turned to me and nodded, and I remembered to breathe.

"Yeah mate, she's over there." I followed where he was pointing and I saw her dress through the crowd.

 And then I looked closer and my breath caught in my throat again. There was a man's arm resting on her hip and her face was leaning in to his, whispering in his ear, her lips dangerously close to his skin. Jealousy boiled inside me. I weaved my way through the crowd like no one was there. Before I knew it I was next to her.

"Y/n, I found you." I wanted to keep my voice calm but couldn't help it wavering a little. She turned to me and her face lit up. 

The man next to her faded into insignificance and the love for my beautiful girl rushed back.

"Niall! You will never guess who I was just talking to!" Her full attention was on me, her body turned to mine with a small gap between us. I took her hand in mine and watched her glowing face fascinated.

"Who? Was it that man?" I had let my feelings pour out, accidentally. 

"It was Logan Henderson! You know, from Big time rush . And he knew my name! And he had a picture with me. I think I nearly fainted. He's so lovely..." She turned her glowing phone towards me and showed me the picture of her and him.

Suddenly our chat was interrupted.

"Y/n, it was lovely to meet you, oh Niall. Hi! Lovely to meet you. She's a keeper, hang on to her." Logan's voice rang in my ears as he held her hand in his and dropped a gentle kiss to it, paired with a wink that was just for her, but I saw it. I was cutting this short.

"Y/n, Harry wanted you. He needed to ask you something." I lied and gripped her hand in mine, enjoying the feeling of her fingers intertwining with mine. She nodded at her new found friend and we walked away.

"Niall, what's wrong?" She asked as I pulled her away. 

"Are you jealous?" She made her voice high pitched and mocking, like a child. I couldn't help but laugh a little. She knew me too well.

"No," I said stroppily. Before I could speak again she'd wound her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips. She whispered to me.

"I love you Niall Horan, even if you are a jealous little monster sometimes!" I smiled and kissed her again. She was incredible.

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