He Accidentally Offends You

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You woke up early and immediately unwrapped yourself from Niall's embrace.

You walked quietly into the bathroom, used the toilet, and tied your hair up, so you could wash your face and brush your teeth.

As soon as you are done, you quietly slip back under the duvet, and grab the book that was lying next to you (just happening to be your twelfth round of reading The Twilight Saga).

About an hour into your reading, Niall starts to stir.

"G'morning beautiful," he says, his voice thick with sleep.

"Mornin' handsome. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well, I guess. Had a couple dreams about you. All proper ones, I promise," he says with a light chuckle.

You laugh and lean down from your spot to kiss him good morning.

"Mm, love starting my days like 'is," he says, his eyes fluttering closed again.

"Me too, my love, me too."

Around three hours later, after a bit more cuddling, reading, and sleeping (mainly on Niall's part), you both decided to get ready for the day.

"What're we doing today, baby?" you ask from the wardrobe.

"I don' know. I was going to play golf with H, and then head to the pub with the boys. What are you doing?"

"I guess, nothing. I didn't make any plans because normally on a day off, we spend it together. Not that I don't love the Boys, because believe me I do, but you see them everyday. I see for a couple hours a night at most. And Sunday," you said feeling a bit sadder than you had earlier that morning.

You set aside the outfit you were thinking about wearing out, and grab jean shorts and a tank top, plus your bra and knickers.

"Why do you have to be so, damn, clingy? All I want to do it go and hang out with the lads after work. Is that too much to ask?" Niall said, sounding a bit frustrated.

"God, Niall you didn't have to be such an arse about it," you said as you walked into the bathroom to change and do your hair and makeup, making sure to lock the door on your way in.

You texted Sophia to see if she was available to get together for a chat and coffee.


Hey Soph., can you meet me? I need a breather right now.

Of course, babe. What's up?

My boyfriend is an arse, that's what's up.

Why? Do I need to send Li over and beat him up?

Haha, no. Just need to get away from him before I say something I would prefer not to.

Alright babe. Normal place?

Yeah sounds great. Thank you.

Course, any time. Love you.

Love you too. See you soon.

After confirming your plans, you finish getting ready.

You keep your hair in the bun, and just put on a bit of a foundation/concealer to even out your skin tone.

As you walk out and grab your phone and wallet from the night stand, Niall tries to talk to you.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. You have the right to want to see me and spend time with me when we have off of work. You are not clingy. I'm just an arse."

"I can agree with that Niall, but I need a little thinking time right now. I'll be back later. Just go and do your thing with the boys and I will most likely be here when you get back."

You finish as you walk down the stairs and grab your keys and sunglasses to drive.

You pull of the drive in your small, yet comfortable, Volkswagen Jetta, and drive a few blocks to the small café.

You meet Sophia in a small booth in the back of the café, hoping to be here in secret, so the two of you can have a nice chat and tea.

"Hey, lovely, tell me what happened," she says after giving me a quick hug and taking back her seat.

"Basically he was talking about how I'm clingy, because I wanted to spend his day off with him. Like that's not being clingy. Right?"

"No, it is definitely not clingy. It's not very often you two can spend time together. Like Li and I are doing a movie night later, but that was set beforehand. It seems to me, he just ditched plans that were being created. I'm sorry, that's just my opinion."

"No, I appreciate it. I just need to know if I'm being irrational."

"No, honey, you are completely right in the situation."

After finishing tea and a muffin, you two say your goodbyes and head home.

As soon as you walk in the door, Niall is sitting on the stairs, head in his hands.

"Hey, what's got you in a bundle?" you ask, walking over and sitting on the stairs next to him.

"Hi, Y/N, you're here."

"Why wouldn't I be? I live here. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be golfing?"

"At first I was, then I felt like a horrible boyfriend and decided to wait for you to come back."

"Well, yeah. It was kind-of a arsehole-thing to say."

"I'm so sorry, baby. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I knew I shouldn't have even thought it. I love you so much and I need you to know how sorry I am."

"I do. I understand it was just frustration or something. I just think that wanting one day with you is not unreasonable."

"And you are completely right, my love, completely right," he says, leaning in to kiss your lips.

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