Harry flirts with you and Niall caught him

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Harry recognized you as soon as he saw you seated there at the bar, a drink in hand as you laughed with a friend. He had just watched your new movie a few days ago and had instantly gotten a crush on you. You had been so beautiful and now here in front of him you were even more so. He knew he needed to go talk to you. He'd already slightly looked into you and had seen you weren't linked to a boyfriend at the moment so maybe now was his chance.

You turn your eyes towards him as he begins to walk across the room towards you and he sees your smile falter a bit, instantly worrying him for a split second. Did you not want to talk to him, he feared, but then you smile again so he continues on towards you.

"Well, hello." You greet. You and your friend exchange grins before she stands up and takes her leave, offering her seat to Harry who takes it gratefully.

"Great job in your new movie." He tells you. You laugh and nod. "I'm Harry, by the way."

"Thank you, praise is always appreciated. And I already know who you are, big shot rockstar." He smirks and takes a sip of his drink, eyeing you over the rim of his glass. You may have known him for other reasons but you weren't going to reveal that.

"I jus' also have to say that you are completely gorgeous." He compliments, causing a small blush to creep up on your face. You knew you shouldn't allow this to continue as unbeknownst to the public you were in fact in a relationship, and it also just happened to be Harry's best friend and band mate Niall Horan. The two of you had just kept it all a secret for now.

"Well aren't you just a gentleman, paying a lady all sorts of compliments." You smirk right back at him, realizing that the alcohol may have been clouding your judgement just a bit more than you had originally noticed. "Though, I'd be lying if I said you weren't incredibly handsome yourself." You can't believe you just said that to someone who wasn't your boyfriend - and his best friend none the less but Harry's smirk was pulling you in.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Harry asks, reaching over to rest his large ringed hand on your thigh, his fingers brushing along the edge of your dress, causing shivers to run up your spine at the feel of his hands on you. That's when you realized this was a bit much and snapped to your senses.

"I have a confession to make." You tell him, resting your hand over his to stop him from wandering up higher.

"And what's that, love?" He asked, a small smirk on his lips but then he frowns when you move his hand from your lap to rest back in his own and pull away from him completely, leaning away a bit.

"I am actually seeing someone." You confess and see the frown increase on his face. A deep crease forms between his brows, his green eyes clouded with disappointment.

"You've never been seen with anyone." You sigh and nod, biting at your lip. You wanted to tell him who it was but knew it wasn't your place since Niall was his friend and it should be him to tell him but you knew you would be going to Niall that night to finally convince him that it was time to come clean.

"We've been keeping it a secret until we knew it was something serious. We don't care much for the public to be in our personal lives and spreading rumors while we get to know each other." You explain. No one knew about the two of you apart from your mother simply because you hadn't been able to stop from gushing about Niall to her and knew she would keep it a secret. You'd even agreed to keep it from your friends just to make sure it didn't get out until you wanted it to.

"Well, he's a very lucky man." Harry gives you a soft smile, trying to hide his clear disappointment but you picked up on it none the less. "Why isn't he here tonight?" You knew you had to be careful answering this as Harry may know the real reason Niall was at home tonight - he was sick, so he may catch on and put it all together.

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