I'm right here, okay? You're all right.

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Losing someone close to you would never be easy. You kept being told that it would get easier - but how? How would this hole in your chest ever start to feel closed up? Everyday you felt it was sucking you in more and more

Your boyfriend tried everything he could to offer you comfort and support, holding your hand as you cried, but in the end it never helped. You still felt lost, trudging along in this world, filled with so many questions on loss and the inevitability of going through this again with someone else you loved.

"How can I help? Please, love, tell me." Niall pleaded one day after the two of you had sat in complete silence for minutes. He was so unsure of what to say, what to do, how to see you smile again.

"I'll be fine, Niall." You assured him, your thumb nail clamped between your teeth as you bit at it. You felt his blue eyes staring at you so you stood up from the couch and left the room.

It was two hours later that you broke. You had been sitting at your desk, looking through old pictures you had saved on your computer and had come across one of you, Niall, and the person you had just lost. It all came rushing back and you felt the breath basically pushed from your lungs. You gasped for breath and your vision swam before you as hot tears leaked down your constantly damp tears, leaving wet tracks behind them.

"Love?" You don't answer Niall's voice as he appears in the doorway of the room. You instead let your face fall in your hands and a sob escape your chest. You hear his sigh before his strong hands grip at your arms, pulling you up from your chair and into his arms. Instead of pushing him away like you had so many times since the loss, you curl against his broad chest, burying your face in the fabric of his blue t-shirt. "I'm right here, okay?" He whispers, his lips pressing into your hair. "You're all right." He holds you tight against him, swaying you back and forth a bit as his hands rub up and down your back. "If you need to cry, then jus' cry. It's okay." He assures you.

Standing there, letting out large sobs, your cheeks soaked through with tears, leaving wet spots on Niall's shirt, you started to feel that black hole begin to close just a little. You lift your head, looking up into Niall's own watery blue eyes. He gives you a small smile, bringing one hand up to wipe at your wet cheeks with his thumb.

"Feel better?" He questions you softly, knowing you most likely didn't but he wanted to check up on you anyway. You return his smile and take in a deep breath, your head giving a small nod.

"You make me not feel as alone." You whisper to him.

"You're never going to be alone, I promise. 'm not goin' anywhere." He seals that promise with a kiss to your lips. Loss would never be easy but with Niall at your side, just maybe you'll be able to get through it.

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