please , come back [1]

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You scrolled through your Instagram feed and you saw a lot of Niall and Selena's picture. Are they hanging out together or what? Why Niall didn't tell me about this? Ugh! you know its been a year since your relationship but you also don't want anyone to ruined it. You don't know but you can feel tears streaming through your cheeks. Y/N,you need to think positive. Niall is not cheating on you. Then you realised a fan tagged my name in this one video . You knew it! He's cheating on you . You mean they took a lot of picture together. Even Selena bring him to her friends party. You guess eh? You need to relax. Gonna wait him to come home. He said he'll be here in 20 minutes so um okay then. You waited, waited and waited and finally You heard the door knocked. You opened the door and saw him,standing in front of it. With wet shirt. Oh niall where have you been.

"Babe,I'm sorry because I'm a bit late." He shivers

"Its okay love,c'mon let's get you inside." You hold his hand and bring him in.

well,this is not a good time to ask him about Selena. oh well,tomorrow night You will ask him, you guess. You don't know when but hoping the answers from him soon.

"Babe." Niall called

"yes niall?" I looked at him

"I need a hug." he pout

"okay okay." I hugged him.

-The next day-

You woke up and looked on your left Niall wasn't there. He left you a note it says "Im sorry babe. need to leave for the AMA's. I love you!" You go downstairs and called your mother.

"Mom." You spoke

"Yes sweetheart?" Y/M/N asked

"Im scared."

"Why? Is there anything wrong with you and niall?" Y/M/N replied

"I dont know mum. He has been going out  lately by himself.Im afraid that he have another girl."

"Y/N,he's not gonna do that to you. He love you so much."

"Are you sure mom?"

"Im sure honey." Y/M/N says

You received a lot of photo about Niall and Selena. You waited for Niall to come home After an hour of waiting,Niall finally arrived at home safely.

"Hey,where have you been?" You asked

"Hanging out with friends. why?" Niall replied

"Until 7:30 p.m.? Niall you left at 10 youre back on 8. oh wow!" You walked away from him

"What is wrong with you Rachel?" Niall asked,looking into your eyes

"What is wrong with me? huh? Now im gonna ask you,what is wrong with you? Going out with Selena gomez huh?" you rolled your eyes.

"Baby i can explain." Niall pulled your hand.

"NOTHING TO EXPLAIN NIALL!" You took your bags and packed your things.


"Away,away from a cheater like you!" You open the door and stepped your feet out from the house

"GO,GO! JUST GO! I DONT NEED YOU." Niall yelled

You slammed the door and drove to the airport. Niall sat on the sofa,thinking about himself.How selfish he were,leaving you alone.Cheating on you . Now he realise he is the worst boyfriend ever. Niall logged into his twitter and tweet "I'm sorry @RachelShelton"

You are now gone away from him,you told Niall "Dont find me anymore until you dont realise what is your mistake!" Niall had nothing left,letting go of you,is the hard situation for him.

A/N ; one last chapter after this bfore i leave 😭

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