Back to you

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Finally! You work have done! You drive back to Logan's house. The both of you just got back together two months ago. You know but he wants you and you need to left your baby Niall. You didnt want to . You safely arrived home and saw Logan and a girl smooching in the living room. The both of them stopped and Logan looked at me.

"(Y/N),I can explain" he said,standing out from the couch and try to come closer to you.

"There's nothing to explain! Look,i've trusted you for the second time Logan. You did it again. And now with Madison Louch. Fuck you,im leavin" You walk away from him.

Your tears falls include with your mascara. You walked away like a girl who is in depression and suicidal. You've been thinking of killing yourself by leaning on the road and get hit by a truck. You made your way to the club,where Niall always take you when he met his friends. You also realise that there's a razor inside your bag. You enter the club and ordered like a lots of drinks.

"Where,suicidal and depressed people go" You said to yourself while sipping those drinks. You are totally drunk and take out the razor. You harm your wrist so bad. You harm until you are satisfied with all you've feel. You get out from the club,with a bottle of beer and continue walking. A lot of blood falling on your both hands. You keep drinking and laughing. You also smoke on that time because you are really depressed.

Niall's P.O.V.

I was walking on the pathway to find some beautiful attire to attend an award show tomorrow and i see a girl,with dried mascaras all over her face. A bottle of beer and she's drunk. I ran to her because i want to help. I can see my baby,crying and her wrists are bleeding. These scars are worst than the past.

"Oh my gosh baby,what happen?!" I said,holding her.

"Where suicidal and depressed people belongs to!" She said,drinking her beer.

I took the bottle away from her and quickly bring her to my car. I drove to the hospital and take her to the emergency. The nurses and doctor are shocked when they look at her wrist.

"Oh my goodness,Mr horan what happened?" Mrs Carlise asked. She is the doctor so.

"I dont know i found her walked alone and crying. We've been separated for two months" I explained.

"LET ME GO!" You yelled. The doctor gave her an injection to make her fall asleep so she can make those scars heal.

I waited for 30 minutes but there's nothing. I feel really bad because i let her go just like that. Im such a bad person. I shouldn't be doing that when Logan wanted to take her.

"Mr Horan" The doctor said,standing infront of me.

"Yes doc?"

"She is really unstable. She lose a lot of blood. Im afraid that we need to send her to the rehab" The doctor said,looking my white shirt which has a little blood on it.

"No! She's not going to the rehab. I promise she will be doing fine. Where is she now?" I asked,looking at the doctor.

"Room 291"

I ran to the room that the doctor tells me and look at (Y/N).She's lying on the bed,with some wires on her hand. I entered the room and take a sit next to her. I hold her hand while lifting her long sleeved shirt i look at those scars that's have been sew by the doctor. This is the worst i've ever seen before. i don't want my baby to be in the rehab with suicidal people. i want her to be with me. At home.

I can feel someone touches my hair,i lifted up my head and see she is playing with quiffs. I smiled and she smiled back at me. Im so happy to see her smile again.

"Please,dont do that again. I dont want to lose you princess" I said,touching her scars.

"He cheated on me again,im so stupid for following him for the first time. I thought he didnt wanna make the same mistake again" (Y/N) explained,looking at me.

"Hey,don't even think about that jerk anymore. Im here. Always here with you no matter where you go. I'll always be by your side princess. I promise" I pressed my lips on hers. I slowly get on the bed,continued kissing her. It's been two month,i miss her so much.

"I miss everything that we used to do" She said,looking at me.

"So was i princess." I replied.

She pulled me and we continued kissing. I tried to let go but she pulls me so hard and tighten her hands on my hair. I giggled a little because it's ticklish.

"Hey princess,it's getting late. You need a rest tho. I'll sleep right next to ya." I let go of the kiss and kissed her cheek.

"I love you,so much Niall"

"I love you more princess"


A/N soooo this sucks. btwwww you can request if you want😊. Commenntttttt bcs i need to know what you think abt thiss😂. Allthelove💕

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