TMHT w Niall💛💫

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*you as the famous singer and niall best friend since in school*

you are just break with your boyfriend Logan Henderson which he is cheating on you and hooked up with another girl . You feel so lucky that you got a contract to be One Direction songwriter You pack your stuffs and go to their studio .

"Y/N im glad that you want to come along with me. Come and aboard the bus , we are moving soon" Niall say before you enter the studio and he pulls your hands to the tour bus

"Im glad that you want me to follow you as well Niall . Thankyou" You smiles he smile back while putting those bags .

"It's for your own good aswell love. Come sit here right next to me and tell me what happens" Niall pat the seat right next to him and you sit right next to him

You remember what you've done to him a few years ago . you left him because you want to work with big time rush . You and Niall used to be in a relationship but after you worked with big time rush as their songwriter,Logan started to flirt with you and Logan take you as his girlfriend .. On that time,you already forget about Niall until One direction came to the Big Time Movie red carpert to meet big time rush also touring with them . That time you feel that Niall is trying to win you bsck but you didn't even care about him anymore .

"i see Logan's tweet with makenzie vega about their wishes on Logan's birthday . then i saw a picture of them kissing on Alexa Vega's wedding . When i got home , i saw them together on the bed where Logan and I used to spend our time together everyday" You tried to hold those tears in your eyes

"Love,let it all out. Im here now with you. As your bestfriend,i need to be here with you,listening to all your problems" Niall hold your hand and stroke your hair

"I just cant take this,i trust people too much! That's why its ended up like this! Now,he is now happily living with that girl and leave me all alone like this" You wipe away your tears and stares at Niall blue ocean eyes

"Y/N he's a fucking useless for you to love! Open your eyes,there are a lot of guys out there who wants you to be with one of them. I admit that he seems nice but i can feel that this will happen to you" Niall says while wiping those tears that keep falling through my cheeks.

You can feel that he still have feelings for you . You remember the words that he said a few years ago to you when you broke up with one of his friend. You know that he's one of the guy that he mentioned in the words that he say .

Niall P.O.V

"Niall! Y/N! C'mon right here and join all of us" I hear Louis call us

"Fifteen minutes Lou!" I says while focusing back on Y/N

"I know its hard to forget about someone that you love,if you try and try slowly i know you can forget about him love. I promise" I kissed Y/N's temple

"But you dont even forget about that girl who left you and didn't even appreciate you until now she realise what does the guy means to her" Y/N looks at me and interwines her hand into mine

"I cant even forget about her because she's always on my mind . Even im trying to . I just cant lose you again Y/N . I cant even expect that i'll see you on big time movie premier . I just cant expect that love . I got a chance to see you smile once again on that time . Now, you're here with me , joining the take me home tour ! You are one of my songwriter . I just want you to be happy baby . Im here now" I says and kiss her hand

"You dont even change since you were in school . Remember when you told me you like me that was a funniest moment ever!" Y/N chuckles and lean her head on my shoulder

"Remember when the both of us ran in the rain , on our last day being together before you left. We shared our last kiss while the sky's are crying along with us babe" I smile and she looks at me .

"I remember" Y/N smiles

"I hope that im not going to lose you again princess, i love you so much" I pressed my lips on hers .

It's been such a long time since i didnt feel her beautiful lips on mine . I just miss those moments that we used to spent together .

"I love you so much niall,i promise" She says as we letting go the kiss

"AWWW ! You both are sweet" Harry interupts and chuckles

"Harry!" The both of us say while laughing

"Okay im sorry!" Harry walks away

"I will take a goodcare of you i promise baby" I kissed her temple and she smiles

a/n soooo boringg😭! if you have any request let me know💛

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