On the road again tour !

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Your P.O.V

So im at the backstage of the otrat ! like it's been hella fun ! like there are lots of food and some friends here too ! like thanks to Lou for doing my hair today !

Lottie and i are talking about some make ups that we want to buy soon ! like she's showing them and they are so pretty ! i really want to buy all of it !

The lads are getting ready for the show . There are two more hours before the show . They've done the soundcheck . So now they're probably resting or something .

I go to the canteen and see all of them are there . They are eating . They must be hungry after the soundcheck . I sit next to Niall and he smiles at me .

"Hey princess ! " Niall says and countinue to eat

"Hey Ni" I smiles back at him

"So,how's the assignment you are trying to working on?" Liam says

"GEEZ ! Im so so forgetting about it ! " I says and trying contact my friends that have done the assignment

"What is the assignment about ?" Louis asked and looks at me

"We need to make a video . A random video but it must be on tour " I says

"I know ! We are filming another video for our youtube channel and you can be part of it !" Niall says and hold my hand

"Oh Okay ! Thank you baby" I kissed his cheeks and he smiled

Then before the show , all of us are busy doing our stuffs while the camera are moving around us . Im trying to fix Niall's hair and the camera come at us .

"So this is her routine , do the hair , pick the clothes , wishing me goodluck and i love you" Niall smiles and give me a quick kiss

"C'mon you'll be late!" The both of us hear Louis called .

The both of us run but still Niall still holds my hand until i realise i almost step out on stage .

"Babe,i love you ! Thank you so much for the hair ." Niall winks

"Let me fix the quiff for a little bit" I fix his quiff a little bit and realise they are already on stage

"Nialler,you and Y/N already done with those stuffs?" Harry says through the mic and the camera is on us

"Im done !" Niall give me a quick kiss on the lips and go on stage

After 2hours,the concert ended . They enters the backstage and smiles at me . Well is it a great news ?

"So the video is done !  I'll send it to ya later" The cameraman says and smiles

"Thanks" Niall says .

"So my work is done . Thanks to my prince charming for the idea" I hugs him while Liam , Harry and Louis leave to the canteen

"Im worried because you're not even do it a few days ago . Now im glad that you're finished !" Niall chuckled

"This will be great . No one will call me a cheater anymore about following you on tour" I smiles

"Everything for my princess" Niall strokes my hair

"I love you Niall"

"I love you more Y/N" Niall placed his lips on mine

a/n : sorry bcs its boring ! i'll update more tomorrow❤️

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