Finally,Have You

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❀Warning(s): Mention of sex

❀Summary: Niall and you have been friends for a long as he can remember. He'd fallen for her and one day finally took the chance in asking her out on a date. It wasn't long before the pair was found on his bed with limbs tangled and nothing but love and passion floating through the air.

That was the one thing that came to mind when he had finally asked you out on a date. He knew you like the back of his hand, he watched from the sidelines as guy after guy broke you .He had the upper hand knowing the do's and don'ts. He'd double checked everything making sure everything was perfect down to the seasoning he'd used to prepare the food for both of you. He was going all out but still keeping it nice and simple.

You couldn't help but smile as he opened the door to his car for her. You dressed simple, like he had asked you to do. Black leggings paired with a denim shirt and a nude lace cardigan. Your hair was left down straight without a curl inside. You looked beautiful and he was finding it rather hard to not stare. Placing his hand on your thigh you smiled softly as a blush crept it's way up onto your cheek.

You bit your lip as it raised higher and higher the closer and closer they got to his house.You quickly took a hold of his hands, as his cheeks flushed with color. He didn't know what had come over him but he couldn't help but wonder how you'd look beneath him. Your dark hair spread on his pillow as your  chest heaved in pleasure.

"You ready?"

You blushed getting the double meaning of his words, but yet you let your mind wonder to what it'll feel like to have his hands roam your body, feeling his skin against your's as he brought her to a state of bliss no other has been able to take you. Sure these thoughts grower stronger, as he his hands slide down your upper arm to hold your hand as he lead them to his backyard.

You gasped slightly at the beautifully set up table. Ever inch was covered with all her favorite foods, from things you hadn't eaten in years to the snacks you always makes sure she has at home.

"This is perfect Niall..." You whispered as you turned to face him.

His hands rested on your waist as he smiled once your  arms reached his neck. Smiling he pulled you closed resting his forehead on yours. Your sweets smell took over his sense as she smiled up at him. It didn't take long before his smile faded softly and leaned closer and closer.

"Is this okay?" He breathed as she nodded your head. Her eyes fluttered shut as his lips brushed up against your's

It wasn't long before the food was simply forgotten, and both of you found yourselves in Niall's bedroom. He pulled away slightly cheeks flushed as he took in your appearance.

"Are you sure?" He breathed as you nodded you head giving him the permission he needed.

It wasn't long till they were a heaping and moaning mess. Your skin felt like fire as his lips traced each part of your body. Your hands Gripped him tightly as he brought you to your release. His eyes screwed shut as your mouth placed sweet kisses along his shoulders and neck as he worked them both.

Smiling as you rested your head on his chest he sighed, never did he expect for the girl he'd fancied would feel the slight bit of attraction towards him. Smiling as you traced shapes on his chest making him glow with happiness.

"Can't believe that happened.." You stated as he chuckled and brought you closer.

"Can't believe ya like me back petal.."

"How can I not.."

"Cause you're too perfect.."

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