Missing [2]

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It's almost a week since you were gone missing. Everyone is so worried about your condition,health and more. Niall call the police to asked him about you . Felicity keep calling your name because she miss you so much. Niall knows how much felicity loves you. He also feel the same. He can't live without you. He promised your father that he will always take care of you .

You are in a store with Alex. Alex wanted to buy you some dress. You asked one of the promoter to follows with you .

"Hey,Lisa can I borrow your phone for a while?" You asked

"Sure, I know you're in trouble y/n." Lisa the promoter ,wink at you.

You logged in into your twitter and tweet something. You know that Alex doesn't have twitter. You took a chance to tweet that you're save.

"I'm saved! I'm fine! No need to worried about me. I'm completely fine. @NiallOfficial I'm fine baby." You send this tweet and give the promoter her phone back.

"C'mon bitch! How long should I wait?" Alex shouted.

You get out from the fitting room and pay at the counter. You followed Alex to a restaurant for lunch. Alex have 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 girl. He divorced two times. You don't want him to play with your heart . You realise that you're still Niall's girlfriend.

You changed her phone number because Alex forced you to. That's why niall can't contact you . Alex forbid you to go out without his permission,call anyone for help and more. You are the one who needs to take care of his children.

Niall P.O.V

I open my twitter and saw Y/N's tweet. I know she's still alive. Thank you god. I replied at her tweet by asking her where is her. I know she's already changed her phone number. That's why I can't contact her at all. I give Logan a call to tell him that y/n is still alive. "Logan. I need to tell you something." . "What's wrong Niall?" . "Y/N, She's still alive!". "Woah,Really? Where is she now?". I started to blank at the conversation. I don't know where the hell is she. "Niall,are you still there?" Logan asked me. "Yes? I'm here. I don't know where is she know." I tried to calm my self down. "Okay niall calm down,I know we will find her soon! Don't worry. We already make a police report so we just need to wait for their response." . I agree and hung up the call.

"Dad,is mummy back yet?" Felicity asked me

"No sweetheart,she's not back. I'm sorry. I'm such a terrible father and husband!" I cried

"Dad,you're a greatest dad I've ever had. In fact,mummy still love you." Felicity wipe my tears

"I know,you miss her aren't you?" I asked

"Yes daddy,I miss her so much." Felicity hugged me

"I'm sure that we will meet her soon." I kiss Felicity's forehead.

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