4 Years Of Anniversary

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Today is your and Niall's 4 years of anniversary together . You dont want to tell Niall that you're going to meet him on his tour . You have those vip passes which he gave to you before he left . Before he left , you guys have some arguements about misunderstanding that happens between Niall and Hailee . Until now , you and him dont even talk to eachother .

"Y/N , lets go ? stop daydreaming we will miss the flight ! " Y/F/N says and pulls her bags to the departure .

You nod and follows her . You keep thinking about how you are going to talk to him . Is he going to forgive you ? Will he treat you like he used to ? You board the plane and put on your earphone . You look at your lockscreen where there is a picture of you and Niall together . You hold on your tears because you dont want your friend to notice that you're crying .

"Y/N ! Have you bring the ViP passes ? " Y/F/N ask . You take out the pass and hand it to her . You also look at your pass and see a small handwriting back there .  for my love one ❤️

You smiles a bit and keep it in your bag . Your friends keep talking about her enggagement party next month . She really excited and keep talking to you . You look at her and say "im just so happy for you Y/F/N ! Cant wait to see you again next month"

"Aww Y/N ! i want you to help me with those make ups ! Pleaseeee !!! I really love the way you draw those eyebrows !" She laughs !

"Awww ! I'll come and make you feel pretty !" You laughs as well .

" I cant believe that we were together for two years and next month is our enggagement day ! " She says and you look back at your phone screen .

"Oh im sorry Y/N" She rubs your back

"Eh, im fine really . just having a rough time with him . Congrats hun!" You pulls her into a hug .

After 4 hours , you arrive at your destination . The both of you go to your hotel and take some rest . Your friend falls asleep while you are looking at the window , thinking what will he say to you tonight . Your tears fall because you remember each of the memories that the both of you had since the first met on OTRAT Y/C/N . You opens your gallery and click at one of the video that you guys made before you left . The laughs and hugs in the video makes you cry even more  .

You continue to scroll through the gallery and see a lot of you and Niall's picture together . One of them were at your graduation day where he's the one who represented your family . Your friends were freaking out on that time because he's with you . Suddenly , you recieve a text from one of Niall's tour guard .

unknown number

hello is this miss y/l/n

yes i am . who is this?

im Chris . One of Niall's tour manager .

Oh , what's wrong ? why do you text me ?

Mr horan is having a rough day . His leg are hurting again and he keeps crying after the rehearsal .

Really ?  are you trying to talk to him?

i try to but he gets angry . He keeps stares at his phone screen and talks to it . I hope that you can come to tonight show miss .

im sorry Chris . Gtg .

Miss y/n , Mr Horan really needs you

You read the last text and cry once again . The both of you are really ego and dont even want to see eachother . Today is your 4 years of anniversary and you are going to the show with or without y/f/n .

The time has come , you and y/f/n are on your way to where Niall show is held at . All of the fans recognize you but you just walk and act that you're not Niall's girlfriend plus no one knows you . You and your friend stand at your standing pen and watch Julia Michaels for the opening act . She is wearing one of the shirt from Niall's merch . 

You wear a dark blue longsleeve shirt which Niall bought for you . He also have the same shirt like you . Then , Julia calls for Niall and he gets out .  You realise that he wears the same shirt like you did . He sings on the loose as the starting . All of the fans include your friend are singing it . You stands really infront of the stage .

" You and him wear the same shirt . Are you guys talk to eachother last night ?" Y/F/N ask .

"Nope we dont ."  You focusing on your boyfriend on stage singing . You can see that he's really faking his mood infront of the fans trying to make them happy .

After singing fools gold , he goes to the piano and starts to talk . he says that he's not good at playing it but a fan say he do great at it . So he starts to play . I never heard this song before . never . He doesnt even tell me that he wrote this

" Looking back through changes where we started from
Don't know about you but I knew it was wrong
You know I kept a place for you in my mind
Now I know you did the same 'cause you're just the kind " Niall starts to sing and look at the crowds . His eyes meet yours and you look down .

"So if we knew all along
Why did it take so long?
I've known since we were young
So why did it take so long?
You know you make me feel loved
Make me feel like I'm home
So if we knew all along
Why did it take so long?" Niall continues and he still trying to make an eye contact with you but you dont even look at him

He finishes the song and you looks at him who is smiling . Is he remember that today is the anniversary of you both ?  An hour later , the shows end . All of the fans with the vip passes enters the backstage for photograph session . You let your friend meet him first . you want to be the last one .

"Miss Y/N " Chris says .

"Good to see you Chris" You smiles and walk to Niall

He looks at you and tells all of the crews that he needs some time alone with you . All of the crews and fans leave .

"You are here" Niall says and smiles

"yes i am " Your smiles back trying to hold your tears

"Love , im sorry . For what i've done to you . Im too emotional and dont even think about your feelings . Im sorry" He wipes away the tears that falls

"Its okay . Happy Four Years baby" You hugs him

"Happy four years too babe ." He strokes your hair

You can hear the fans cheers and claps their hands . It's the best moment in your life .

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