please,comeback [5]

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logan pov

Where is y/n?. She didn't even tell me where she is. I think she went to see Niall. SHIT!*throw stuffs on the floor* I can't let this happen. I don't want to lose her again. It's hard to have her back by my side. I think im already in love with her back.

*crack* I heard the front door open. I saw y/n smiling. It's a good news or bad?

"Hey,where have ya been?" I asked

"Nothing,just met an old friend of mine. Why?" She replied,winking

"Nothing I'm just worried."

"Okay than." She replied

your pov

I closed the bedroom door and lean my body on the comfy bed. I looked into my Instagram and post a picture of Niall and I at the park. "missed❤️" The caption says.

I'm planning to get back with Niall because our situation was already okay. Kinda proud to tell ya that. If Logan knows that I'm goin' to leave him,I think he wouldn't gonna let me leave this fuckin' house.

I need to find a way out from this house. I know it is not a good idea but who cares. If Logan finds out,I will get kill. Wow,two boys are in love with me at the same time. Not proud but I'm panicking!

"y/n!" Logan shouted my name from the downstairs.

"Yes?" I shouted back

"Uh,I wanna hang out with Kendall. Wanna join us?" He said

"Uh no. I wanna stay at home,watching tv's and do other stuffs.". I replied

" okay then." Logan left the house.

It's time to pack my stuffs and go back to Niall's. After 40 minutes,everything was complete! I left Logan and Olivia a note,called a taxi and left the house.

niall pov

I got home and quickly went to Felicity's room to check on her. Thank God,she's doin' her homework. I hope she's already forget about what happen in the mornin'.

"Dad" Felicity called,walking to me.

"Yes baby girl?" I replied,looking at her face. She's almost looks like y/n when she was 6

"When will mummy be back? I miss her so much." Felicity cried,wiping all of her tears that fallen through her cheeks. I know she misses y/n so much. So do I Felicity. I know you want her back. I'm sorry,this is all my fault . I shouldn't get mad at y/n

"Princess,she will be back soon. She love you and your brother so much. She wouldn't leave you forever like the other mum's did to their son/daughter." I explained, rubbed her back,holding her hand. Stroking her blonde hair to keep her calm.

"But daddy,We met her today! I hugged her and she didn't even react like the other mum's did to her daughter. I think she didn't like me anymore. I'm not a perfect daughter for you and mummy." She replied,crying even more.

"But baby she-" I stopped talking because I heard somebody was knocking the door. Who could that be? Maybe Greg and Denise.

"Stay here." I told Felicity. "No. I'm going to open the door." Felicity left the bedroom. She ran towards the front door but I chased after her and pick her up before she got to open it.

I opened the door just to find my girlfriend standing in front of the door. Her body was wet because its raining. Kinda shocked,she didn't even tell me that she want to come back.

"H-hey guys. I-it's s-so good to see the both of you."y/n said,shivering. Pity her,I think she walkes here.

"Mummy!" Felicity hugged y/n,crying. I smiled and brought y/n inside. I'm so glad that she's home on time.

"Hey,why won't you tell me that you want to come home?" I whispered in her ear. She blushed and giggles.

"I-iwant it to be a surprise for the both of you." She smiled and hugged me tight. Oh,how I miss her hug so much. y/n looked at me

"y/n,promise me you will never ever leave me again."

"Euweuweuwu mum dad not now!" Felicity laughed,hitting me on the arm. Felictiy kissed me and y/n and went to her bedroom.

So now,I can spend my time with my lovely girlfriend in our shared bedroom. I miss spending my time with her so much since we had a fight. I placed my body on the bed and scrolled through my twitter. y/n entered the bedroom and closed the door.

"What are you looking at Niall?" she said,coming at me. I think she didn't noticed that I'm lookin at her. I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a wife like her.

"I'm lookin at your beautiful face." I replied. She smack me on the arm and laugh. I know she's blushing at the same time. She got in bed and lean her body next to me.

"You know what Niall,I miss everything that we've done." She said

"I missed it too princess." I kissed her forehead. I looked at her,stroking her brunette hair.

"Ni," She cooed,holding my hands tight. Wow,she's different right now. She changed so much since we had a fight a few weeks ago.

"Yes love?"

"I-i love you so much."

"Awwh sweetheart,I love you too. I will always love you for better or worst. I will always stick with you no matter what baby." I gave her my passionate kiss. Her lips taste like vanilla. I sang her a song and then she until she fall asleep.

I'm the happiest person ever. Having y/n back was the best moment in my life. Thank you god.

a/n ; request are open ! comment xo✨

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