Im sorry

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Your P.O.V

It's been 3months since i didn't see Niall . I got the tickets for his show . Im going to the show w my friends.

I pick the blue shirt and white skinny jeans which is his fav on mine 🌈 . After 20 mins, all of us are ready to go to the flicker sessions ! There are so many crowds pushing us .

its kinda hurts. then , the doors open . all of the fans including us , running inside to our standing pen waiting for my boo bear to performs 😋❤️ .

I see him , coming out with his stripes blue shirt which is my fav on him . like he's such a qtpie today and everyday plus every year ! he starts to performs .

im hiding myself behind my friends bcs i dont want him to see me . but i brave myself let out my hand for letting him touch it. then he touches my hand and looks at me .  he doesn't want to let go but i let him go . 

after an hour , i excuse myself  bcs im so tired standing and been push by some girls .  so i get into my hotel room , lying in the bed and close my eyes.

Niall's P.O.V

I see her . I hold her hand . Oh how i miss her so bad . I wish i could find which hotel that she's staying . but im currently taking pictures w the fans . I see Y/N's friends . I should i ask them where she are staying .

"Niall good to see you ! " one of them says

"Hey ! good to see you too ! " I smiles and take pictures with them .

"Did you know that Y/N was here ? " she said

" yeah , i noticed that she's here . " I replies

"i dont know why she's hiding from you . did you guys are having some arguements abt something ? " she said

" it's been 3 months since we didn't see eachother . bcs im really busy recording flicker . I didn't even spend my time with her for 3 months . "

" Niall ! you should make time for her . you know how suffer she is . missing you , hoping that you'll call or facetiming her in the middle of the night . She brave herself by coming here bcs she wanted to see you . But it's so crowded . She almost fainted so she decided to leave . if not , she's here now . "

" Im such a bad boyfriend . i should've not left her all alone . Where is she now ? i really need to see her . "

" She must be asleep by now , look at the time . but im going to give you the key to her hotel room . here " she hands me the key .

" thank you . "

After i finished taking pictures with the fans , i drive to the hotel which Y/N is staying at . I search for the room 738  and finally found it .

i unlocked it slowly and see that the lights at the nightstand are still on .  i walk in and see she's already sleeping .

i walk to the bed slowly bcs i dont want to wake her up . im going to suprise her by staying here tonight . i get into the bed slowly , by changing her position .

i make her lay in my arms . i kissed her forehead and go to sleep .

-The Next Morning -

I wake up and see that she is still sleeping . i take my iphone and take a picture of her and post it on my insta story . I sings flicker for her while she's sleeping but slowly , her eyes starts to open . she looks at me and smile .

"Hey , how do you find me here ? " She asks

" your friends told me that you are here . They gave me the key card to acsses the room . " i smiles

" oh i can see that . " She gets up fix her hair .

" Love , im really sorry . For letting you suffer for 3 months waiting for me to come home , texting you , calling you and facetiming you all night . I was so selfish . I shouldn't let you be alone here . "

i can see tears filling in her eyes .

"Hun , look at me . Im all here now with you . There will be no more suffering , no more depressing , no more 3 am thoughts and more love . " I wipes her tears

"I miss you so much Niall . Why did you left me for 3months . I miss your hug, i miss those jokes you made before we go to bed , i miss the scary movies that we watch together every night . making me dont want to let you go , the goodnight kiss , little things before bed . I just want you back around me . Im suffering for three months waiting for you to come back to me . That's why i came to your session last night . Because i cant stand this anymore . i need to see you . " She hugs me and sobs .

" Shh baby shhh .  Im here now . no need to worry anymore . i promise , we will go on flicker sessions together . spending our time after the sessions at the other countries . i promise . i wont let you be alone all over again . " I stroke her hair and kiss her on the cheek .

" What if you do the same ? Im afraid of losing you . I thought you want t-"

"hey , enough okay ? im not leaving my princess . never . i love you  . so much . dont even think what the medias are saying about our relationship  . there's nothing going to happen between us . i promise . " I place my lips on hers .

" I love you Ni "

"I love you too babe "

-im writing this while listening to flicker . im in tears 😢😢

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