Movie night goes wrong

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Niall already put on  a movie for the both of you to watch tonight . You don't even trust him with putting on a movie because it will ended up with a scary movie that will make you can't sleep .

"What movie now ? like you paused it just because you waiting for me to come into the room ? " You said and lay next to him on the bed

"I'm sure you'll love this babe . This is not a scary movie . " He press the play button and the song of the intro begins

You watch the tv and see titanic is on . This is one of your favourite movie since you're little ! Like you have a really big celebrity crush on Leonardo DiCaprio when he's on Titanic .

"Oh my god ! This is my favourite Niall " You look at him and he kiss your forehead

You and Niall are watching the movie about an hour . You can't even stop fangirling when Leo showed up in the movie . You admit it that Leo is really cute and romantic in that movie .

"Babe" Niall calls .

"Yeah ? " You answers him but your eyes are focusing on that part where Jack and Rose are running from LoveJoy

" How about we continue this tomorrow ? " Niall says as his eyes are focusing on you .

"Noooo,i really want to watch it til the end ! Like this is my favourite movie ever . " You replies .

Actually , Niall wants to spend more of his time with you before he gets busy for the shows that he's going to perform on . He thinks that you'll get bored of the movie but actually not .

He just take out his phone and scrolls through his twitter and chatting with his mates about the show and stuffs . After a few minutes , he get out from the bedroom because you're not even talking to him . After one hour , the movie ends and you waste some of the tissues to wipe your tears .

You look that Niall isn't next to you anymore . You must not realise that he left because you're too paying attention on the movie . You decide to go downstairs to check on him . You look at him in the living room lying on the sofa while playing with his phone .

"Ni" You called . Niall look at you for a while and back to his phone .

"So , how's the movie? " He ask but focusing on his phone

"It's great . Um , why did you left ? I thought you're the one who wanted to watch it together with me . " You said and make your way to him .

" I left because you don't even look at me when you talked just now . You just focusing on the tv screen . Like i wanted to asked you to spend our time together by doing other things but nevermind you don't want to " Niall stands .

"Now you're blaming me ? Like hell yes i was focusing because it's my favourite . " You said looking at him.

"Oh i forgot that the movie is more important than me " Niall tease and rolls his eyes

"Y-you such a cruel . You're the one who asked me to watch it with you and now you treated me like this . how could you . " Your eyes are full with tears and you make your way upstairs to your own bedroom and slams the door .

"Babe ! " Niall knocks the door .

"Look im sorry . I didn't mean it . I just wanted to spend my time with you even more . Babe open the door please " Niall keeps knocking on the door .

You opens the door and Niall steps into your bedroom . He closes the door and stand infront of you.

"Hey , im sorry okay ? Im just not in a good mood because i received a text from my manager saying that i need to leave to Dallas tomorrow . Im sorry
(Y/N)" Niall wipes your tears .

You hugs him and cry even more because he never treated you like this when you guys are watching movies together but today he did .

"I-im scared . " You sobs .

" Hey , no need to be afraid of okay babe . No matter what happens , im always going to be there with you . You jump , i jump remember ? " Niall says and smile .

"I love you my Jack Dawson " You chuckles

"I love you too my Rose DeWitt Bukater" He placed his lips on yours .

A/N BORING ! Im sorry i cant write good😭😫 . If you have any request  , let me know ❤️

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