Missing [1]

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You go out by herself . You kinda scared because Niall's not with you. You go out to meet your friends. It's been so long all of yoy didn't meet. Maria,Ray and Emily were your best friend since high school. Niall also know who are they.

"Babe! Its been so long i didn't see you!!" Emily hugged you

"Me too!" You smiled

"So,I heard that you're Mrs horan now." You smirk

"Duh,we are not even married yet." You laughs

"I hear that you have kids . How many kids do you have?" Maria asked

"I have two! But it's hard to explain" You replied.

"Woah,how fast. what happen?" Emily asked

"Actually,one of them is not Niall's daughter." You look down

"Uh,what do you mean Y/N?" Emily asked

"That one is Logan's. We go on a date and we excidently did something bad." You explained.

After 2 hours,all of them leave you walk to fragrance shop to buy some fragrance for Niall. Suddenly,a man push you until you fall.

"Are you okay miss?"

"Yeah I'm fine."


"Alex. Its been a long time we didn't see each other."

"I know,uh let's get some drink. Don't worry I'll treat ya."

Both of youwalk to a nearest coffee shop to have some conversation together. Alex have a plan. He wanted to kidnap you actually and marry you ASAP. He knows that you are on a date with Niall Horan but he don't even care. He's too ego.

Your P.O.V

"DING!DING!" My phone rings. I unlocked my phone and read the text messages. It's from niall. "Baby,get home soon! I miss you!". I smiled and text him back. I get up and leave the coffee shop. I realise that Alex keep following me. I'm scared that he'll do something bad to me. He loved me since I was 13. I know this is a bad idea. Meeting your friend who is excidently crazy for you. I run as fast as I can to stay away from him. I failed,he catch me. " Help! Help!" I shouted. Nobody's hear me. He put me in his car and bring me to his place. I feel so regret. I hope niall will call me.

It's almost 7 and you still didn't reach home. Niall can't stand this. He get his phone and dial Logan's number.

"Hello logan is Y/N there with ya?"

"No she dont,what's wrong mate?"

"She's not home since she were out."

"Wait,she what?"

"She's not coming home since evening."

"Stay there! I'll meet you at your place."

After 20 minutes,Logan arrived at Niall's. Niall is sitting on the couch wiping his tears and try to contact you. Logan sit next to him and ask him what happen.

"How's this happen?"

"I shouldn't let her go by herself!" Niall sobs

"Niall,I know this is a bad situation. I understand you!" Logan rubbed Niall's shoulder

"I don't know,she told me that she's going out to meet her friends. She post a tweet saying that she is happy. But after an hour, she didn't contact me,tweet something and post a photo on her Instagram!" Niall replied

"Listen,we're going to find her together!" Logan smiled

"We should."

"Okay,good. Let me tell her family and friends." Logan replied.

"Im going to call her parents and my parents to tell them."

All of them shocked after knowing that you are missing. Mrs Y/M/N can't stop crying. She keep blaming herself how stupid she is. Louis,Liam,James,Harry,Carlos and Kendall are helping Niall and Logan looked for you .


You wake up and see that she's in a bedroom. You called for Niall but he didn't give any respond. Alex walked into the bedroom with some food and drinks. You know this is a part of his ideas. You wanted to escape but can't. Alex controlled everything.

"Here! Eat these." Alex hands you the bowl of soup.

"I don't want to!"

"Huh,you're so stubborn! You look cute tho." Alex fake a laugh.

"Let me go!" You tries to fight back

"I'm not gonna let you go again!" Alex slapped you

"How dare you." Your tears started to stream.

Alex leave the bedroom and lock the door. you try to opened it but can't. you sit on the floor and creid. You look for her phone but you can't find it.

Niall P.O.V

I pick up the call. I can't believe my baby finally calls me! "Y/N is save with me!" . I heard a man's voice speaking through her phone. I recognise the voice. It's Alex. The boy who kept bullying me since I'm in school. "What do you want?" I asked him. "I have your girl right here with me . She'll be mine! You're never going to meet her again!" Alex hung up the phone. I tried to call him back but he rejected it. I cried,Logan come and sit next to me. "Who called?" He asked. "It's Alex." I answer. "Seriously? Geez. We need to do something." He concern. Both of us find a way how to save her. I know it's going to be a long journey. I don't care! I want my girl back!


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