Birthday Suprise

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Today is your birthday and you wake up from the sleep with an excitement ! You look beside you that Niall is still sleeping . For real , he's the first one that will wake up and wish you a happy birthday but maybe he's tired .

You take a shower for 15 minutes then head to the kitchen to make some breakfast . While you are washing dishes in the sink , you feel that someone is hugging you from the back . You look back and see Niall smiling at you . You really hope thay he'll wish you a very happy birthday .

"Good morning love " He said smiling at you .

"Morning ! The breakfast is almost ready " You said and smile back at him

Niall helps you setting the food on the table and the both of you have breakfast together .

" Do you remember what day is today Niall ? " You asked looking at him.

" Today ? oh ya i remember ! " He said with a joy

You really hope that he'll wish you since he's awake but nothing happens .

" I need to meet the lads today and i wont be long . Stay safe at home babe . Don't forget to lock the door. " Niall give you a quick kiss and leave .

You went upstairs and facetiming your mother , friends and more. You still can't believe that Niall forget your birthday .

Niall P.O.V.

Thank god the plan works ! Now,i'm heading to the studio which the lads and i record our albums . I enter the studio and see the lads include lou teasdale , lottie , her siblings and boyfriend and many other people are here . They're really going to make this birthday party works !

" So Niall , did she notice anything ? " Lottie ask

" No she doesn't . You got the cakes and present settled lou?" I asked and Lou pointed at the presents that has been set up on the table .

"You are a really good party planner mate " Liam laughed and i joined him laugh as well .

" All you have to do now is text her and tell her that you are in danger so she can come here " Louis said and smile

"Alright imma text her , all of you go and hide "

Your P.O.V

I'm facetiming with my friend after i facetiming with mom . I really had fun . Its been so long since we didn't share our laughter together . Suddenly , Niall name pop out on my screen .

Babe , you need to come here ! i'm really in danger and i need your help . Please babe . i need you 😢 . The person said if you not coming , i'll get killed 😭

Ugh,stop messin around Niall🙄
read 4:35 p.m.

Hun, im not joking . im serious . pls come faster . i've been beated up for three times and i need you now .

I read his last text messages and grab my car keys . I try to drive as fast as i can to the studio . He really makes me worried . After 30 minutes , i arrived .

I brave myself and opened the door . The room is really dark . I can see Harry,lying on the floor with some blood on his head . Okay im freaking out right now .

All of the sudden , the door slams by it self . I hear footsteps come near me and i close my eyes . I scream Niall's name hoping that he will come and save me . Then , the lights turn on . I open my eyes and see Niall holding a birthday cake . The lads and the others are also here.

"Happy birthday love , it's been 5years since we are together and im not going to forget your birthday . I'm sorry if i make you worried but this is only a prank that i planned for your birthday . Happy Birthday to my princess (Y/L/N)
i hope you will having a good day and forgive me about all of this " Niall smiles . I blow the candles and all of them clapped their hands .

" Really ? Murdering stuffs ? Not funny Niall . thank you . this is one of the reason why i love my prince very much " I crashed my lips into his .

"Guys c'mon , im starvin!" Louis said .

All of you celebrated your birthday party until late of the night . This is the best birthday party you've ever had .


Hi loves , i will update more tomorrow ! Please read my book unexpected and comment abt it . also , dont forget to vote and comment❤️ ily🍯❤️

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