No Trust ( 1 )

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It was never your intention to hurt Niall. You never thought meeting up for dinner with a group of friends would cause such a fight. You didn't know who all was going to be there. It was a large group of people but of course, being in a very public relationship with a rockstar, your every move was watched by paparazzi and fans and pictures ended up online of that night.

Your ex boyfriend ended up showing up, having mutual friends and all of the pictures posted were of the two of you talking and laughing, and even hugging. It wasn't like that though. It just seemed that was the only good piece of dirt from your outing so it was all anyone cared about and Niall got word of it.

"Nothing happened, Niall!" You yell at your boyfriend the next day when he brings up the pictures.

Niall's blue eyes were wide, even slightly tear filled. "There was like twenty of us there, he and I talked for like two minutes!"

"You know how I feel about him, Y/N, you know he wants you back!" It was true, you couldn't deny it.

Regularly your ex will send you messages to see if you and Niall were still together or to try and persuade you to join him for a drink. You always declined, you didn't want him anymore, not a single part of you wanted your ex back. You were with the love of your life and you didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that but you apparently had.

"If nothin' happened then why all night when you got home and this mornin' did ya act like he wasn' even there? You mentioned everyone else bu' him. Why? Ya feel guilty of somethin'?"

"What? Niall, of course not. I just didn't see the point. I said hi to him, he asked how I was, I told him I was good, he asked if we were still together and I told him the truth!" You answer, shaking your head.

"I told him that yes, we were still together and had just moved into a home together, actually. And that was it, you have to trust me!"

"Trus' you? How can I trus' you if you never gave me a reason to in the firs' place?" Niall's voice was full on raised now.

He was pacing back and forth your living room, his face in his hands as tears slid down his stubble covered cheeks.

"If nothing happened you would have told me he was there, you obviously talked with him, you've told me everyone else who was there bu' not him! Think how tha' looks from my point of view!"

"Niall, please," You had never seen Niall like this and you hated that it was your fault, you hated that you had hurt him this bad - intentional or not.

"I'm so sorry for making you feel like this, please, believe me. I should have told you he was there, I should have told you we talked, I'm not sure why I didn't but I am so sorry," Niall stops and looks at you.

You reach out for him and slowly, giving him time to pull away even though he doesn't, wipe at his wet cheeks. "I love you, Niall, it's you and you only. It's not him, it will never be him."

"I jus'..." He pauses and then takes a step away from you.

"i'm sorry, I need time to accept all of this. I still don' know if I trus' you. Feels like 'm bein' lied to." He shakes his head, stuffs a hand in his pocket and then turns and heads for the front door.

"Wait, Niall, no!" You rush after him but he gives you a sad look as he pulls open the door and shakes his head.

"I jus' need space," He says before he was gone, the door closing with a bang after him.

You stand in shock, your eyes stinging with unshed tears as you realize Niall just walked out on you. And all because you didn't tell him you talked to your ex the night before.

a/n ; hi im sorry if this book is getting boring and boring by day . i love u all . pls send requests and give some comments💘

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