He sees your scars

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Niall and you had been married for about five months,and both of you have a great marriage. You had struggled with depression and self harm before you met Niall. But after you met him, everything changed. You started feeling more confident and he told me that you are beautiful and you believed it.

Niall and you were sitting on the couch,doing your own things. You wear short sleeves today and you covered your scars with your bracelets.

"Babe,im hungryyy.' niall pouted.

'Nialler.' You chuckled

'no I'm joking. How about we draw something?' Niall said,while fixing his posture .

"For god sake im not really good at drawings niall" You replied .

Niall giggled and trying to tickles you . You tried to stop him but he grab your wrist and touched those scars . He looked at them and stares at you.


"No,Niall i can explain"

"Why? why would you hurt yourself like this love?" Niall took off each of your bracelets and touched your scars one by one .

"I,i cant stand those hates . Those rumours . those sarcastic words that i received . I know this is going to happen . I know you will leave me Niall . I'm sorry . " You cried and stand up,trying to walk away from him.

Niall pulls you and make you sit next to him. He hugs you tight,stroking your hair and wipes your tears that falls through your cheeks.

"Hey,who said i'm leaving my best girl? Love,i'm not going to leave you all alone . I love you Y/N . with or without scars,you are still the same to me babe . I love you so much . Promise me love,stop harming yourself ." Niall said,looking into your eyes

"I promise Niall . I love you more" you hugged him . He smiles and rubbed your back.

sucks i know

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