He visits you on collage

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You were anxious, yet very excited when the day that your boyfriend was to be visiting you finally arrived. You spent the afternoon after you finished up with morning class cleaning up your small little dorm room, making your roommate promise you that she wouldn't make a mess. You wanted Niall to be comfortable and enjoy his time here with you, even though it was for a short weekend was all. You were thankful for the time, no matter how brief it was, you missed him so much.

You were unable to go pick up him from the airport as your last class of the day ended at the same time his flight landed so he was going to be taking a cab. As soon as your class ended, you all but ran back to your dorm to freshen up, touch up your makeup and make sure everything was perfect before he got there.

About to pull up! You grin as you read the text from Niall. Your heart races, pattering against your chest in a rough pattern as you send back an on my way down! reply and head for the door. You rush to the stairs, not wanting to use the elevator as it would probably go too slow. As soon as you push open the front door, he was just getting out of the cab. He sees you and his adorable grin appears.

"Niall!" You exclaim, running at him. You were getting strange looks but could care less as you rush at him. He closes the door of the cab and drops his bag and opens his arms. He braces himself as you fly at him, jumping into his arms, your legs wrapping around his hips and your arms around his neck. He gives a laugh, his arms tight around your waist, holding you against him.

"Missed you, love." He mutters, his hands sliding down your back as he pulls back to look at you. You grin and lean in to press your lips to his.

"I missed you, too." You respond when you pull back. He moves his hands down even more, moving across your backside to grip at the bottom of your thighs, squeezing a bit.

"Shall I carry you inside like this or can you walk?" You give a laugh and shake your head before jumping down back onto your own two feet. He reaches down for his bag but you take it from him, instead tossing it over your own shoulder. "I can carry me own bag, babe." He insists, reaching for it again but you move it out of his grasp and shake your head.

"No, you're the guest." You reach over and take his hand, leading him towards the door of your dorm building. Once upstairs and back in your small room, you dropped your bag beside your bed and turned to smile at him. "What do you want to do first? I can give you a tour of campus, we can go eat, or we can sit here and catch up a bit." You smirk at that last bit, hoping he caught onto exactly what kind of catching up you were hinting at.

"When is your roommate getting back?" He asks, clearly picking up on your hint and takes a step closer to you, a smirk on his face.

"She has a late class. Won't be back for another two hours." You answer, wrapping your arms around his neck and pull him into you. He rests his hands on your hips, his fingers sliding up your shirt as his lips find yours. He pushes you back towards your bed, tumbling on top of you when you fall back onto the mattress. Your hands tangle in his blonde hair as you pull his lips closer to yours.

Oh, you had missed Niall so much. Not just like this, in bed and connected as one, but just being with him in general. Afterwards, the two of you laid in bed for awhile, tangled up in the sheets and talked for what felt like an hour. You shared stories of what had been going on, even though some of them you'd already heard over the phone or on skype but the two of you just wanted to talk and laugh together.

"My roommate will be back soon." You finally say after you glance at your alarm clock beside the bed. You lift yourself up to rest on your elbow, looking down at Niall. "Would you like to go out to eat? I'm starving."

"Would love to." He answers, reaching up for one last kiss before the two of you finally get out of bed and get dressed. Right before the two of you leave, your roommate returns and you introduce the two of them.

"Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. She literally never shuts up about you." She jokes after her and Niall give each other brief hugs. You grin and shrug as Niall gives a laugh, moving back beside you to wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you to his side.

"I've heard a lot about you, as well." And he had. You loved your roommate and the two of you always got up to trouble together. She was what kept you sane here in college, being away from Niall and the stress of class. "We were just about to go eat, would you like to join us?" He questions, looking down at you to see if that was alright. Which it was of course.

"Oh, no. I've got plans with my boyfriend. I'm actually going to stay with him tonight. Give you two the night alone to catch up." She tells you as she tosses her books onto her desk. She then eyes your bed, which you had meant to make before she got back but it had slipped your mind. She smirks, raising her eyebrows at you. "Though it seems like you've already done so." You blush a bit, giving a small laugh as you look down.

"Look at this cute face, I couldn't resist." You reach up to jokingly pinch Niall's cheek as he laughs and pulls away from you, swatting your hand away.

"Yeah yeah." Your roommate laughs, shaking her head. "You two go on. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. We can go out then."

"Sounds like a plan." You then begin to tug Niall in the direction of the door. "See you later!"

"Have fun!" She calls after you as the two of you make your leave.

Just as you feared, the weekend passed by far too quickly and soon it was the morning that Niall had to leave. The two of you laid in bed for awhile, not talking, just simply being together. Over the course of the weekend, the two of you had gone to a frat party, gotten drunk at a bar down the road with your friends, and went on a walk around town at 3 am hand in hand when you didn't want to sleep because that meant the time for him to leave would come sooner.

"I'll miss you." You whisper, your head resting on his chest. His fingers ran up and down your bare arm. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head and sighs.

"You graduate soon and then you'll be able to go on tour with me all the time." He responds. "Like you do in the summer." He encourages, trying to look at the bright side. Graduation felt so far away though. You just never wanted to be apart from him. You were so in love and cherished every moment you got with him. Why, oh why, did you have to fall for a rockstar who spent 90% of the year touring the world? It was so hard to be apart but you were also so proud of him for doing what he loved every night. "I will miss you too though, o'course." You lift your head from his chest to smile at him.

"Spring break in a month. A whole week of just you and I." The time that your spring break fell on happened to be the time that he had a week off and would be at home in Ireland the entire time. You were flying out to be with him and you couldn't be more excited but it felt like it was so far away.

Once the two of you got to the airport an hour later, you were almost in tears. Niall pulled you close before it was time for him to leave and hugged you to his chest.

"Don't cry, love." He mutters into your ear, swaying the two of you around a bit. He kisses at the side of your head before pulling back to bring a hand to your cheek and smiles down at you. "I'll see you soon." You give a weak smile and nod.

"I've had an amazing weekend." You tell him. "Thank you for coming to see me."

"I love you." He then leans down and presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss.

"I love you too." You say when you are finally able to pull away even though it was hard to let him go. "Call me when you get there." He nods and kisses you one last time before he takes a step back, releasing you completely.

"Goodbye, babe." He gives you one last smile before he turns and begins to head in the direction of his gate. You watch him go until he disappears completely into the crowd. You give a sigh, already missing his presence before you turn and also leave, heading back to your car. You couldn't wait until the day came that the two of you had to stop saying goodbye and could just be together.

a/n ; hii babies ! iknow its been such a long time with no updates bcs i just finished my exams yayy ! i will update always okay ? i'll try my best to write more and make u guys happy ! vote and comment what u think , and if u have any request let me know in the comment ! love u❤️❤️

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