Coming Home

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You walk over to the living room, and throw yourself on the sofa with remote at hand. You begin to flip through channels and as per usual there's nothing on. You begin to skim what is on your dvr and remember Niall had recorded multiple movies. You look through and none catch your interest either.

Your phone begins to vibrate and you look down, it was him. You smile to yourself and type in your passcode. You see his message and your smile turns flat.

"Babe, there has been a bit of a delay. Won't be home 'til later. -N"

You knew it was coming, it was sort of always expected. He never really came home the day he said he would, or would when you weren't home nor awake.

You didn't want to reply back but knowing how Niall was he would freak out or worry something was wrong. He was just that guy, that needed to know you were fine or just simply how you were doing.


You simply replied and tossed your phone somewhere between the blanket and legs. You felt your phone vibrate once, then twice. You sighed heavily, you weren't in the mood to really talk to him.

You missed him dearly and for once, a little bit of hope inside you, hoped he came home when you were awake to greet him. You hated to have him come home to you sleeping and you hated to wake up with him asleep beside you.

You swyped your passcode in for the second time, read the messages. "Babe, are you mad at me?" "I can't help it that we get set back. I love you. X -N"

You didn't want to have this conversation this way, via text, you rather have it in person. You stood up and turned the telly off. You made your way to the bedroom leaving the lights on.

You were exhausted and frustrated that things didn't go as planned, again. You wanted to be in Niall's arms, have his head buried in the crook of your neck while running your hands through his soft blonde hair. You wanted contact, you just wanted your bestfriend home with you.

You had changed into your pjs and slipped into the massive bed. You laid there in the dark, alone with your thoughts. Trying to keep yourself from dosing off, you wanted to be awake when he got home

You had fallen asleep, curled up in the bed with covers wrapped around you. You tried to stay awake but the long day you had was too much, you couldn't keep yours eyes open for much longer. You tried, but you just couldn't. Every time you drifted off your eyes would stay shut longer and longer.

Niall had just arrived to the house, he knew you were asleep because it was starting to become a routine. Him getting home from a long tour in the middle of the night.

He had ran up the stairs to find you peacefully sleeping the bed with the covers around you. Your hair fanned out onto the silky pillows, your lips puckered as you curled up more. He smiled to himself as he watched you lay there, his pillow pressed to your chest and in your hold.

He walked closer to you, he slipped his shirt off and unbuckled his jeans. He slipped his jeans off, kicking them to the side. He pulled back the duvet to climb in with you, he got a glimpse of your long bare legs. The instant thought that came to mind was his fingers running along your smooth legs.

He slowly pried your arms from his pillow, he noticed your tight tank top. The way it clung to your chest, the way he could see your nipples through the thin material. He was becoming aroused, he feel himself harden at the site of you. He wanted nothing more than to take you here and now.

He wanted to curl his lips around your nipple, graze his teeth and suck. Causing you to moan out in pure pleasure, have your fingers run through his soft hair. The thought was becoming too intense, he needed a release and he hate to use his hand.

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