i love you , im sorry❤️

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you are waiting for niall to come home . it's been three hours since he went out to meet his friends . you're scrolling through your  insta feed and hear the door opens . All you can see is Niall , step inside a little bit drunk .

"you are three hours late . you promised me to come home before 1 but its two now !" you tried to controls your voice

"its just three hours late . what's your problem" Niall pushes you gentle because he dont want you to get hurt

"my problem ? woah ! its yours . you're the one who is drunk and late ! now you're ignoring me ?" you follows him to the shared bedroom of you and him

Niall looks at you and rolls his eyes . He ignores you by scrolling through his phone. You cant even stand this anymore and take away his phone .

"y/n give it back !" Niall says and take away his phone

"you dont even listen to me !" you replies and pout

"you're wasting my time here . just please,leave this fucking room and do your own stuffs!" Niall stands infront of you

You are full with tears . its been so long since he get angry at you . you get into your own bedroom that Niall decorated for you *read previous imagine* and pack your stuffs 

You look at niall who is flicking through the channels on the sofa . You really hope that he will notice you but he didnt . you opens the door and start the car . you drive to your mom's house .

Niall's p.o.v.

i noticed that she left . i really dissapointed with my self . i shouldnt yell at her . im actually worried abt her because its four in the morning and she's driving alone

i unlocked my phone and dialled her number . she dont even answer it . Damn it y/n ! i send her a few text messages but stil no answer ! i make my way to her room that i decorated for her . i look at those polaroids pictures hanging on the fairy lights . i take one of it . the both took it at on the road again tour .

she turns 19 on that time lottie and lou make us to take the picture w the icing all over our face . i miss her . i need to see her now . im so regret . i hear my phone notification rings . it's a text from y/n mother . she tells me that y/n is at her house

i drive to y/m/n house after 13 minutes,i arrived . i knock on the door and it opens . Y/N's mother hugs me and tell me not to worried about y/n . i make my way to y/n  room and see her sleeping . i close the door and see her sleeping . i close the door and lean next to her . i change her position by making her rest her head upon my chest . and i fall asleep .

your p.o.v

i wake up and see Niall sleeping right next to me . Im resting on his chest . i just can't believe that he actually come here to find me . i stake his hair and he slowly opens his ocean blue eyes .

"Love" Niall calls and look into my eyes

"what are you doing here ?" i ask but still not moving away from him

"im here because of you"  Niall strokes my hair and smiles

"what's the point?" i replies

"look,i know its my fault y/n. i shouldn't be doing that to you . i miss you really do" Niall interwines his hands into mine

"i missyou more" i said and kissed his cheek

"i love you, im sorry" niall pressed his lips on mine

a/n more imagines up soon !❤️🦋

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