Break up and make up

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a/n : a request ! ❤️ comment 🌙

"That's it Niall! We are through! I'm tired of crying over your sorry ass!" You scream at him as you run upstairs to gather your things.

You and Niall seemed to be that it couple that everyone thought was so adorable, so cute. Yeah, seemed was the right word. Behind closed doors, there was nothing but fussing and fighting. "Why did you do this?" "How could you say that?" "Shut up!" "I hate you!" "I wish I never met you." This was just a few of the many things that you two would throw at each other. Quite frankily you were sick of it. You wanted a boy to love you, not pester you every five seconds.

When you came back downstairs, you saw Niall curled up in a ball on the sofa. It made you want to run up to him and apologize for everything you had said, but you remained strong. "Goodbye, Niall. I hope you have a nice life." you said as you slammed the door as hard as you possibly could.

You knew you would feel a hand grab yours or lips thrown onto yours like it happened in the movies, but Niall remained on the sofa.

You sighed and began to walk to your flat. It wasn't very far. Besides, you were thinking so hard about Niall that it seemed like the trip lasted less than a second. As soon as you locked your door behind you, you bursted into tears and slid down the wall.

The love of your life crushed your heart within seconds, and he didn't even have to say a word.

You dragged yourself up to bed, not bothering to shower or do anything else. Who cares? Not like you had anyone to tell you how beautiful you looked or how great you smelled anymore.

You sighed, closing your eyes as you heard a pitter patter. Rain, of course. It came down slowly but soon began to come down violently. Within about 15 minutes, your power was out. You whimpered. If there was one thing that you absolutely hated, it was thunderstorms.

You grabbed your knees and held them tightly. IF only Niall were here, a part of your head told you.

"If Niall was here you'd be crying by now." the little voice in the back of your head warned you.

You jumped from your thoughts as you heard an unusual hit on the window. It didn't sound like rain. Thump. There it was again. A confused bird? Hail?

"y/n!" You heard a faint voice call.
You quickly jumped up to the window and looked in horror to see Niall waving back at you. "What in hell?" you mumbled as ran downstairs to open the door for him.

"Niall! What are you doi.." he interrupted you by pulling you in for a kiss.

It wasn't like it usually was; it magic was added or something. You slowly pulled away as he pulled you out into the rain. "AHH NIALL HORAN!" You screamed as he swung you around in the freezing cold pouring rain.

"Niall put me downnn! Lets go inside!"
"Not until you forgive me for acting like an ass to you. I love you so much. I'm sorry babe, this last month has just been real...stressful.."he bit his lip as he wiped some smeared makeup off of your cheek.

You sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I know I haven't been making it any better."

He gave you a confused look, "Are you crazy? If it wasn't for you I wouldn't broken down by now." he confessed pulling you in for another long kiss.
You pulled away, "Nialllll okay I forgive you. Can we PLEASE go inside?" you begged

"I dunno. It so nice and warm out here. Lets stay an.."


"Fine." he smirked setting you down inside the house and closing the door behind him. "I love you..."
You looked up at him in shock.

That was the first time he had ever said that to you. "I love you too Nialler." you said wrapping your arms around him. You two didn't get much sleep that nice, and it wasn't due to the scary weather

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