meeting his family for the first time

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"They're going to love you sweetheart" Niall says wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin upon my shoulder while I'm standing in front of the mirror.

"But this is such a big deal meeting your parents especially considering I'm the first serious girlfriend and the only one to meet your parents" I sigh tugging at the hem of my dress.

"You look perfect, you are perfect. they will love you. I love you" Niall says pressing a small kiss on my shoulder before stepping back from me.

"Come on lets go love" He says holding his hand out to me.

I take it with my own intertwining our fingers " I love you too" I smile softly as we make our way out of our apartment and get into the car.

"Stop fretting love everything is going to be fine" Niall says placing a hand on my thigh as we continue driving towards the restaurant we're meeting his mother and grandmother at.

When we pull up in the car park I quickly check my hair and make up in the mirror before climbing out at allowing Niall to take my hand in his yet again.

"Niall darling lovely to see you again" His mother smiles standing from her seat at the restaurant table and pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Hi mum I've missed you too''Niall laughs as he's released from her arms.

''Mum, Grandma this is Nora by girlfriend" Niall says pulling my closer to him and wrapping an arm tightly around my waist.

"Lovely to meet you Nora, we've heard such lovely things about you" Niall's mother smiles widely before pulling me into a hug.

Dinner goes great Niall's mother and grandmother seem to actually like me and I couldn't be more happy about that.

"So nice to finally meet you Nora, I hope to see you both again soon" Niall's grandma says as we all leave the restaurant.

"Yeah that would be great" Niall smiles kissing his grandmother on the cheek.

Once we've all said our goodbyes I sink into the car seat.

"See that wasn't so bad was it" Niall laughs turning to face me.

"No it was nice actually" I nod smiling a little.

"Personally i think the bigger problem is me meeting your parents" Niall laughs again.

"Yeah you've got that right" I laugh softly.

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