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Today you and Niall are about to leave to another country that he is gonna take you . He didn't even told you where that he's bringing you . He is the one who purchased the tickets also,he is the one who is holding your passport for the first time . You kinda pissed because you don't even know where he's taking you and your passport is at him . You wear your blue stripes shirt which is his favourite on you .

'Babe! Hurry,what take you so long?' Niall shouts from down

'Wait a sec love! Im almost done with the make ups' You put on your last lip gloss and make your way downstairs

"Babe,you are so pretty today! C'mon now!" Niall pulls your hand with an excitement

"Where are we going actually ? and why you wont let me have my passport?" You ask while looking at him that is driving

"I told you its a suprise ! infact,i never bring you to this place that we are going today !"  Niall says and smiles at you

After 30 minutes,the both of you arrived at the airport . You meet some fans who wants to take some pictures with Niall while you are setting the bags to the scanning stuffs . Then the both of you board the flight . You have been thinking where that Niall taking you . He always tells but this time he wont. Is there something wrong? You dont even forget your anniversarry with him .

"Babe,don't worry . You'll love this place okay?" Niall says and kissed your forehead

"You aren't telling me and im not going to feel okay ! " You pout and makes him stroke your hair

"We are going to your dream country." Niall winks

"no way ! is it Paris?" You try not to freak out .

Niall nods and give back your passport and the flight ticket . You look at the ticket and tears are filling in your eyes . You cant believe it that Niall is bringing you to Paris . The place that you really wants to visit for a long time since him and the lads were on tour .

"I hope you like it babe . " Niall smiles

"LIKE IT? I LOVE IT BABY!" You give him a quick kiss on his lips

"Now you better be getting some rest ! we will arrive soon and you must be excited to visit Disneyland right,love?" Niall chuckles

"YES  hun!" You close your eyes and lean your head on Niall's chest

After 1hour,you arrived . You get down from the plane with an excitement . Niall interwine his hands on yours and the both of you walk out from the airport . You are staying at the most beautiful hotel in Paris . You have taken some selfies and pictures with Niall. It's still in the afternoon,Niall decided to bring you out for the Paris trip . First he brings you to Le Marias which is a place for  shopping , bistros , arts , fashion and museums . You kinda spend some of your savings in there buying some beautiful dresses that Niall choose for you .

After that, he brings you to Grand  Palais which 1900 exhibiton hall with glass roof ! You have taken a lot of you and Niall's pictures there . Then,he brings you to the eiffle tower which is the place that you really want to visit . Niall ask the people to take you and him picture together . It's so pretty like you feel like you  are the luckiest girl ever . The last place is Disneyland ! You buy the minnie mouse's ears while Niall buys Mickey's . The both of you get in to the theme park and looks at the attractions first .

Niall decides to visit the Disney studio first then following by La Cabane de  Robinson , La Galerie de la Belle au Bois Dormant , Les Mysteres du Nautilus , Liberty Arcade and Phantom Manor . The both of you have a really great time with the laughters,screams and more !

After so many hours you have been spend,Niall and you watch the fireworks . You are so grateful to have a boyfriend like him and couldnt thanked him enough for this.

"babe, i have so much fun today with you and hope that we can do this again soon!"  You says and looks at his ocean blue eyes

"me too princess! infact, i still cant get over you screaming in the Phantom Manor! It's funny tho! You should see your face" Niall burst into laughter .

"dont talk about it! its embarassing!" You chuckles

"I love you Y/N,so much . I promise,i never ever going to make you cry and hurt you." Niall says and hold the both of your hands

"i love you too Niall ,you are my everything. without you im not going to stop hurting myself. Im so glad you exist" You said as Niall pressed his lips on yours .


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