He cries for the first time

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You and Niall had been in a long-distance relationship for a while now. At first it was a problem and you were scared it wouldnt work but as your relationship progressed, you became more confident with the fact that you two would make it work.

While he was on tour, you decided to surprise him. Liam helped you out by giving you all the details of where they'd be staying and kept it a surprise for Niall.

You entered the hotel and saw Niall sitting at the bar. you laugh to yourself and roll your eyes typical. you think and begin to walk over to him.

your frozen in your tracks when you see the pretty blonde sitting next to him. she was all over him and he wasnt doing anything about it.

Your heart broke in two when you saw her kiss him. without thinking, you walk up to him and slap him.

"I hate you! we're done. i never wanna see you again!" you screamed through the tears and grabbed your luggage and ran outside.

Great, you think, its pouring rain. you walk a few blocks and finally find a bench. you didnt care that it was raining, maybe it would cover up the tears.

You turned when you heard your name being called on the empty street. it was Niall sprinting towards you you stood up so you could walk away but he grabbed your wrist before you could get anywhere.

his eyes were red and puffy from crying and his cheeks were bright red. for a moment you felt bad. you had never seen him cry before. you quickly remembered that hes the one who cheated on you, he deserved to cry.

"let go!" you yell.

"y/n please believe me, i didnt kiss her back! she was flirting with me i didnt care about her. I love you y/n and only you!" he yelled back.

It was impossible not to believe him. you leaped into his arms and gave him a romantic kiss in the rain.

"i believe you. i love you too" you whispered as you pulled away from the kiss and rested your forehead against his.

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