please , comeback [2]

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(you are a famous artist and singer)


Dallas,Texas, Finally,i arrived at the destination that i wanna go. I can realese my stress out.Im here because a reason. I hope Logan will reply my text messages.

"DING!" I unlocked my phone and see Logan's text messeges. "I'm on my way y/n,just wait there."

I met some of my fans here. Taking picture with them was amazing. Eventho i am not in a good mood,but i think i should treat my fans nicely like i treated my children.

I walked out from the airport,waiting for Logan to arrived. It's been so long i didn't saw him. After my hands been shoot by Alex,the last time I saw him was in the hospital. He visited me because he was worried I guess.

"Y/N!" I heard Logan's voice,shouting my name.

"Hey!" I walked to his car,putting my bags in it.

He look so diffrent.I know he already broke up with my cousin a month ago. I felt sorry for him. Now,he is focusing on his single.Well,we decided to record a single together.I know some of his friends.

After 30 minutes of driving,we arrived at the Henderson's. Wow,it's been so long i didnt came here. I cant wait to see my daughter. Oh,how i miss her so much.

"Knock." Logan said,smiling at me.

I knocked the door with a smile on my face. I hope they still remember who I am.

"y/n! it's nice to see you!" Mrs Henderson hugged me

I smiled and stepped my feet into that home. I can see my daughter playing with logan's sister,Presley. Olivia is going to turn 7 this month.How big is she right now.

"Mommy?" Olivia stand up,Looking into my eyes

"Yes baby girl." I smiled

Olivia ran to me and hugged me tightly. I know she misses me so much. Im such a stupid mother.I didn't visit her often.

"Hey,y/n!" Presley hugged me

"hey!" I pat her back

"You must be tired y/n.C'mon i show you your room." Logan Said

I followed him to the upstairs,i started to remember about Niall. How is he? Is he okay? No y/n! You should stop thinking about him! He cheated on you remember! Stop thinking about him!

Logan opened the bedroom door and put my bags in the bedroom. "Well,it's nice to be back here. Um,thank you Logie." I kissed his cheek

"Ah,no problemo y/n!" Logan giggles.

I closed the door and take a seat on the comfy bed. I logged into my twitter and saw a lot of tweets about me and Niall. I can see Niall's tweet. "I miss you so much @y/t/n please comeback." "@y/t/n I know its all my fault but please please comeback!"

I wiped my tears.I know it's hard to accept all of this Niall. I dont want this to happen neither. But yeah maybe there is a reason why this thing happen.

"Knock!Knock!" I heard somebody's knocking the door.

"Yes?" I shouted

"Can i come in?" I heard Olivia's voice

"Sure baby." I replied

Olivia open the door and sit beside me. She hold my hand tightly,dont want to let me go.

"Mom,can i ask you something."

"Sure Olivia,what is it?"

"Are you and Uncle Niall had a fight?"

That question really makes my heart beat faster. I dont know what to answer.

"Um,maybe. i guess." I smiled,looking at Olivia

"Im sorry,i shouldn't ask you that question mom."

"It's okay honey. Why are you holding my hand so tight?" I asked,smiling at her

"Because i don't wanna lose you again. I miss you so much mom. I miss you and daddy together. I want our family back." Olivia cried

I wiped her tears.I looked at the door,i see Logan is looking at us. Logan come into my room and sit beside Olivia.

"You know Olivia,You're not going to lose your mom again.She's going to stay with us." Logan hugged Olivia

"Yes Olivia,Im going to stay here with you and daddy. We can be a happy family. Daddy and I will drive you to school,bring you to the park and more." I replied

"R-really?" Olivia asked looking at the both of us

"Y-yes." Both of us replied.

Logan hugged the two of us. This is my family that i left for a year. Im such a selfish woman. Now i realise how important they are.

sorry :(

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