you suprise him on tour

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your pov

niall is on tour with the lads while im packing my stuffs for suprising him on his birthday . i remember when he suprised me once on where we are tour after their show . it was crazy because the lads were chading me with the birthday cake and boom ! its on my face

i put the last stuffs into my bag and head to the airport to board my flight . im staying in new york right now while niall is touring in ireland which is his hometown . he will celebrate his birthday there aswell !

i already tell the lads not to tell him about me coming there . i dont want this plan to ruin just like that . i already board the flight and look at my phone . i see Niall already send me a lots of text messages since yesterday

my prince❤️👑

babeeeeee ! pls stop ignoring me and replyyyy🙁

i miss you so bad honeeyyyy😪

why are you ignoring me ! 😒😪

heyyyyyy! im rlly sorry ni💛. im a bit busy at the moment thats why i dont even reply your text 🙁

ha ! you're lying . you aint busy i knowwwwe🤔😏

im being serious ni at this moment 😒

okay love i trust ya❤️

you are still awake ?

yes i am ! i've been waiting you to reply me

ummmmmm really ????😽

yes babe im waiting for you . 😘

you should go to bed niall like its getting late there in ireland 🌚

aww babe okay then . I MISS YOU😭❤️

me too🙁

i love youu 😽 goodnight💗

i love you more ni💛❤️

Niall pov

its already morning and im 22 ! its a bit sad because Y/N isnt here to celebrate with me . i get up from my bed and take a shower . after that, the lads and i go to the stadium for the soundcheck .

the lads dont even talk to me or wish my birthday . Even y/n doesnt text me today . usually on my birthday she will text me .

Your pov

lottie lou and i go to the mall to buy some stuffs for the plan tonight . the cake are absolutely nice ! thanks to the lads and others for planning this together with me .

"y/n i never know that you are really good at planning" lottie says

"nah,its just you know normal . not that good" i smile

"well , we better get goin bcs the show is abt to start soon . i need to do the lads hair . " lou chuckles and all of us laugh

we head to the stadium with some good talks and laughs that we share . i didnt even expact that Lou and Lottie are going to be nice to me . i just feel grateful that everything works well tonight .

"y/n congrats as well . im going to be the happiest person after this" lottie hugs me and smile .

"you know? how?" i chuckles

"i see it in your bag this morning . im about to askyou is it true or not and finally i got the answer " lottie smiles

niall pov

the lads and i finally talk after three hours thank god they realise that im still exist . when we are onstage , the fans sing happy birthday to me the lads tied the balloons on my guitar and i sing 22 by taylor swift . they also wish me a very happy birthday . i just hope that i receive a text from y/n after the show .

2 hours after the show , the lads keep pushing me to be the last one who enters in . i take out my phone and see nothing except fans commenting on my pictures is she really forget about it ? nevermind , maybe she is busy .

i walk into the pantry and see all of the crews are there

"happy birthday Niall !" all of them wish and i smiles

"its time" harry says through the phone

okay who the hell is he talking to ? they are so good at pranks ! i hope y/n could see this

"Now !" Liam says and point at me

louis liam and harry chase me with the fake web in the can and spray it on me . Suddenly , someone just smack a cake on my face and she laughs . i really recignize the voice . i remove the cake and see y/n is laughing infront of me

"you should see your face ! its funny when you're trying to run away" y/n laughs . she holds my hand and bring back to the pantry

"go to the toilet silly and wash your face ! " she says and laughs

i go to the toilet and wash my face . i cant believe that y/n is here . she really good at planning this kind of stuffa . i went back to the kitchen and see them talking and having some conevrsation .

"NIALL ! ITS PRESENT TIME" Harry says and hand me his box

he gives me a really beautiful boots . i appreciate it much

"aww y/n its your turn" lottie says

y/n hands me a little small box which is really cute .

"im sorry . i can only give you this ." she says before i opens it

"never mind love" i chuckles and open the box . i can see a pregnancy test saying that its positive

"is this true?" i ask and she chuckles

"yes" she hugs me and ihold my tears

"best birthday gift ever ."

"i know . i love you "

"i love youu too"

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