" You're more than enough to me " -Requested

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a/n please read important ; Dedicated this to rrs1489lovesNiall1D thank you for requesting ! and also im sorry bcs im dealing w anxiety and depression and it will be slow update for the other requests im really sorry . pls forgive me😩❤️


Rachel P.O.V

it's a really boring day , where Niall usually works at the studio , and i will be sitting at home watching Netflix all alone . I scroll through my instagram and see there are some of my friends post .

they are so thin , i dont know why im saying that but i really want those body . i get down from my bed , stand on the weighing scale to see am i overweight or not ?

the arrows shows that i am 46.9 kg . Oh my . i walk to the mirror infront of me and see my belly . Maybe i am overweight ? This is one of the reasons why Niall leave home everyday and comes back at night ? am i not pretty ?

I go to the kitchen to find some food . I need to binge a lots of stuffs . That will makes me feel better . I bring along some chips , cokes and more food to the bedroom .

I eat a lot . like almost all the food finished . I realise that there are some text from Niall . But i ignore it because all i care now is about me being skinny . I need to be pretty and cool like the others to make Niall loves me . I know Niall might think im boring and fat because im overweight . ugh !

After a long time of binge , i get down from the bed , i see , how bloated i am . Im so full . And all i need now is let it all out . I haven't done this but my friends does . they used to taught me but i didnt even do it .

I get into the bathroom , yes i dont close the door because no one's home and no one can hear me purging in here . I sit down , facing the toilet bowl and stick my finger down my throat . It didnt work at the first time .

"SHIT!" i says and do it until i throw up .

I cant stop throwing up after stick down my finger down the throat for a lots of time .

Niall P.O.V

Where is Rachel? why isn't she answer my text messages ? is she out with some friends or mad at me ? I get out from the car and opens the door .

"Rachel ! Im home!" I yells but she don't answer . Weird

I walk to our shared bedroom and been distracted by a noise . Is that Rachel? What is she doing ? Is she throwing up? I get in our bedroom but she isn't there . just some leftover snacks and drinks .

I walk to the bathroom and push the door . I see Rachel is making herself throwing up . Oh my god .

"Babe , why are you doing this?" I ask and she stops by looking at me

"Niall , i didnt realise that you're home" She flush the toilet and wash her hands

"Yes you didnt because you're busy doing this stupid thing to yourself . what's wrong" I ask once again as i hold her hand while walking to our shared bedroom .

"because i think im overweight and you might getting bored living wih a fat girlfriend" Rachel looks at the weighing scale .

"Rachel sweetheart , you are not boring and overweight baby . You're more than enough to me . Im so lucky to have you . You're thin enough babe . I dont care if you're fat , i still love you and i wouldn't change my mind" I hugs her.

a/n again ; look i'll update others soon okay ? just let me calm myself down for a while because of this depression stuffs . ily goodnight❤️

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