Prince Niall Horan 💛

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a/n ; this is like a cinderella a bit but not cinderella no glass slippers 😂😆. sooo enjoy !❤️ If you want to imagine another lads with these idc❤️

Your P.O.V.

I am from the small family,i had a great mum and dad . My mum died because of cancer . She told me one thing . I have to be courage and kind to the people arounds me . Before she left me and dad , the both of us hugged her and cried .

Few years later , my dad decided to married a woman with two daughters . I will be having a step mother and step sisters . Maybe it will be nice . They treated me so nice before dad left for another work . After a week , we got a news that dad is sick on his way and died . Started from that , my stepmother treated me bad .

I'm now preparing some breakfast for my stepmother and sisters  . I set up the plates and foods on it . The three of them come , and sit on their own places .

"Who's plate is this ? are we missing someone?" She pretends to ask .

"That's my plate ." I says and smiles

"A girl like you are having breakfast with us ? ugh disgusting . your place is in the kitchen not here !" She says and push my plates .

I take it and go to the kitchen . I put it on the table and it brakes because it falls . I cried and ride my horse to the forest . My father never treated me like this never . Then i heard the hunters are hunting the animals in the forest . My horse stops and i get down from it . i tell the animals to run . Then,a man come . He has a blonde hair and pretty ocean blue eyes .

I looked into his eyes,and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life.That's all.

"Miss, what do they call you?" He asked and smiles

"Never mind what they call me." I reply

" You shouldn't be this deep in the forest alone. "

"I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister...
What do they call you?" I asked

"You don't know who I am? That is,They call me Niall . Well, my father does when he's in a good mood." Niall explains . It's intresting talking to him

"And where do you live, Mr.Niall"

"Well,i live at the palace . I've been working there as an apperentice ." Niall smiles at me

"That's nice ! Well, i better be going"I make my horse walk

"I hope to see you again Miss" Niall smiles

"So am I Niall" I smiles and go back home .

When im on my way home , i hear that people from the village are also invited to the ball ! I go home and tell my stepmother and sisters . They are all so excited . My stepmothers make me to go to the tailor for designing their dresses while me,doing my own dresses by my own .

Hours left before the ball,i know my stepmom and sisters wont let me go . I tell them that im just meeting a friend outside by wearing the white dress

 I tell them that im just meeting a friend outside by wearing the white dress

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She let me go and i quickly head to the palace with my friends . I cant wait to see Niall . Like he's being so nice to me and i never expecting that to happened .

Niall P.O.V.

I can see a lot of people come to the ball that i decided to make by inviting all the people . I just want to see her . The mysterious girl that i met in the forest .  I cant even see her coming . Is she going to come ?

"who are you waiting?" My dad asked

"Dad,i didnt tell you about this and this one of the reasons why i invited them all" I says as i keep an eye on the people

"Tell us Niall" My mom says as i look at her

"I met a girl while i was hunting a few days ago and she has a really pretty brunette hair and pretty brown eyes that probably attracts me mom,dad" I explains

"I see that,my son is in love with a village people awww how sweet of you Nialler" Mom says and smiles

"Goodluck with finding her Niall!" Dad pats my back and smiles

I can see her now,entering the ball . She is so pretty with the white dress . I make my way down and the people are giving us spaces to see eachother in eye to eye back .



All of us starts to dance . When they are all busy dancing, I pulls her and bring her to my secret place .

"You are the prince ! Why arent you tell me from the first Niall" She smiles

"Well i thought you are already known me. What is your name beautiful?" I asked

"My name is Y/N . Now you happy by knowing my name?" Y/N chuckles

"Babe,can i tell you something?" I says

"Yes Prince Niall? What is it?" Y/N smiles

"I like you . And you're so beautiful when the first we met . I can't get you off my mind Y/N. I love you" I says and stroke her hair

"Niall,i love you too but is your parents okay with this ? I mean im just a village girl who live with her stepmother and stepsisters ." She says and pout

"I already talked to them about this and yes they are okay with this ." I says and she smiles

"Im happy that they are okay with it" Y/N hugs me

"I've been wanting to ask you this ." I hold the both of her hands

"What is it?" She smiles

"Will you marry me princess?" I asked . I can see her tears are filling those eyes .

"Yes !" She answers and the both of us pressed our lips to eachothers

And we live happily ever after ✨


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