Flicker Tour

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This is the last stop for flicker tour in europe . this also your first time joining your boyfriend,Niall on flicker tour . You are sitting at the backstage , playing with your phone as usual because you dont even know what to do .

Suddenly,Niall take a rest right next to you and take away your phone placing next to his on the coffee table .

"Hey ! I was busy chatting with my friend there ! " You try to reach it but he pushes you gently by resting on his arm.

"You better be spending your time here with me before you get jealous with the meet and greet pictures" Niall smirk and you look at him .

Without realising , you hear a click of a camera and see christian standing infront of the sofa . He smiles and Niall laughs

"It's all good boss !" Chris shows Niall and you the picture of the both of you looking at eachother in the eyes .

"Thanks Chris !" Niall says as soon as he leave .

"Really? WITHOUTT TELLING ME !" You laugh .

"Im sorry babe . I had to !" He kisses your temple .

He strokes your hair and you put your hand on top of his chest . You never feel so close like this before . You've been away from him for almost two months and you missed him so much.

"hey , i gotta go check the theater for a while" He stands up

"No,stay" you pulls his hand and he chuckles

"babe,it's just for a few minutes" He laughs and you pout

"your 'a few minutes' is like an hour long to wait Ni" You chuckles and he take a rest back right next to you .

"Im here okay ? i wont leave" Niall kisses your forehead and you smile .

"This is your last day on the european tour and also my first and the last day seeing you" You says

"What ? I thought you are going to stay with me for couple days" Niall frowns and you look at him

"I have some assignments to be done Ni,i really wish that i could stay but im sorry" You pout and he strokes your hair and smile

"Babe,i understand it okay?" Niall smiles and so do you .

Without realising it,you've fallen asleep for few minutes and wake up without Niall by yourside . You gets up and search for him . You know he must be at the theater to check up for his show tonight .

You get out to the theater and see Christian taking picture of him . You feel a bit sad because you will be leaving him tonight . You really want to spend more time with him but you cant . You ran and hugged him from the back . He chuckles .

"Babe, whats wrong ?" He asked and smiles

"Im just so proud of you Ni , the first time i saw you with four lads on stage being famous and now , you're all a successful artist by your own now . i could've imagine that i will be until this stage with you , I love you and im proud" I hugged him once again

"Babe,you're sweet . I cant imagine either . i love you more" He placed his lips on yours .

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