CHAPTER:1 || Unknown Plans of Life

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OCTOBER 12, 1987 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

Furrowing my brows deeply I stumbled back as I cleaned that fogged mirror and saw the reflection in front of me starting to change. The dark grey eyes reflecting in front of me, having lighter shade in the middle which were surrounded by darker grey, turned into a cold shade of blue. The blue eyes which make my skin crawl.

Everything was suddenly pitch black, my heart struggled to remain inside my chest as my breathing became ragged. I gasped out loud as a dim light surrounded me suddenly. I saw a dark silhouette standing right in front of that large mirror. Those cold blue eyes were hawking me.

I screamed as I ran frantically, away from that dark figure, which was trying to trap me in it's endless darkness. I was sweating like someone had left me in the middle of a desert, but I felt cold, I was shivering, panting as I ran directionless. My legs begged for mercy, but I didn't wanted to stop. Tears of fear and helplessness streamed down my face as I recognized those eyes.

Suddenly, I collided with something. A harsh grip was felt on my arm, throwing my trembling body on the cold, hard floor and that dark figure hovered me, holding my wrists, pinning my hands on either sides of my head.




I shot up sitting straight in my bed, sweating and shaking, breathing heavily. I stood up and made my way inside my bathroom and washed my faced, letting the cold water drain away my thoughts and calm me down.

I looked in the mirror taking in one deep and shaky breath, trying to figure out when will these nightmares leave me? Reaching towards my bed and before securing my long brown hair into a messy bun, I looked at the clock at my nightstand and realized that yet again this nightmare had woke me up in the middle of the night, if you could call 3:43 am night.

I headed downstairs, towards my Art Studio before preparing a mug of coffee for myself in the kitchen. Honestly, working as a Manager in such a renowned Institution and that too in LA, was seriously not an easy task and that too, when the Annual Exhibition was in just a week and that meant 10X work load.
A sigh escaped my lips as I began to paint my thoughts on this blank canvas sheet. 

If we think, then life is also nothing but a blank canvas sheet. You are the one who can paint it whatever way you want. You are provided with that sheet and your opportunities are your paints. It's up to you how much life you can bring to your painting with your hard-work.

I try to give my all when it comes to my work. I feel so blessed that all the people including my Boss, appreciates and admire my work so much. I remember crystal clear, when I joined that institution almost seven years back, when I was only twenty, my Boss told me that I was having a great potential and passion and if I would just polish my skills I could bring life to my Art. And that's what I was able to see today in my work.

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