CHAPTER:66 || Lies and Betrayal

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Hello all! 😄😘

Here's your chapter, finally! 😅 I hope you'll enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


NOVEMBER 18, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)

| MAE |

The trembling of my body gradually increased with each word I spoke. His arms around me tightened as I felt his breath almost getting stopped at my words.

My past, the darkest, most painful chapter of my life, something, someone that I thought I would never ever face or see again was standing right in front of my eyes.

That one person who was my everything, but destroyed my soul like no one else, he was... back. He was back just to make my life more miserable, just to take away my only happiness.

Michael held my face in his hand as he looked deep into my eyes.

"Your... father?" The disbelief and utter confusion in Michael's voice and on his face was evident. I sniffled, as I nodded, feeling my heart tightening with fear. He inhaled shakily as he placed his lips against my forehead. I could see the rage, the fear, the total confusion in his beautiful eyes and it broke me. I hate seeing him in pain.

"But wasn't he behind the bars?!" I heard Jedrek's equally shocked voice and turned to look at him.

"I... I don't... don't know w-why and how he was t-there, I..."

"Shh..." Michael buried my face in his chest, stroking my hair. "You don't have to continue if it's hurting you." His soft voice said in an assuring manner.

I shook my head. "I... I need to tell this. I have to."


My entire body erupted with goosebumps. It was like my heart was trapped in a tight, huge metallic fist, squeezing every ounce of life, joy and happiness from it. I was unable to even breathe. All I was able to think was how he killed my mom that night. How I was left alone, without a family just because of this man.

"I only suggested. It was you who did that." The man who was my father said as he half circled around her, standing now right in front of me as his back faced Brooke.

"You are a manipulator!" She seethed. "A monster, determined to destroy his own daughter!" She said with total disbelief. "You kidnapped my mom I didn't had any other choice!"

I covered my mouth with both of my hands to stop my gasp and the sound of my ragged breathing as I felt more tears escaping my eyes.

He snorted. "You are smarter than I thought. You provoked me to the level that made my tongue slip." He tilted his head to one side. "I called Mae my daughter. I made a huge blunder just because you couldn't keep your damn mouth shut!" He turned towards her sharply as his voice dripped with venom. "Everything was going so smoothly, I was so successful at keeping my identity a secret but that one slip of my tongue in that argument with you destroyed everything." He then paused and a small chuckle left his lips. "But I am not a person who lose. I had to make you pay for this. Think of your mother as a collateral damage!" He seethed in a bone chilling manner.

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