CHAPTER:38 || Fighting Together

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JULY 27, 1988 (London, United Kingdom)


"Mae?!" I quickly turned around and saw her sitting on the bed as she hugged her knees to her chest. My heart dropped amd I quickly entered the room from the balcony.

"Mae. Look at me baby." I said in a soft and worried voice as I settled near her on the bed and held her face in my hands, which was cold to touch.

"You... You can not h-hurt me anymore! Do you understand me?!" Her voice trembled as she stared at the space in front blankly.

My complete being shivered as my brows furrowed in pain when I looked at her pale and cold face.

"Mae, what are you talking about?" I said as I tried to turn her face to me.

"You cannot hurt me and my mom anymore! Just go away! GOOO!" She screamed, pushing me away.

She was hyperventilating, shivering, sweating. Her fragile looking form was trembling visibly and my blood ran cold.

I held her face in my hands again, making her look at me. "Mae, look at me... please." I pleaded, caressing her face softly with my thumbs.

"NO! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE! JUST GO AWAY!" She pushed me away and covered herself under the blankets as she lied down.

I raked my hair, swallowing hard. Worries, pain, hurt engulfed me as I looked at her in total shock and worries.

I reached for the medicines and got some sedatives. As I reached her, I heard her murmuring. "No one can hurt me. No one can hurt my mom. I won't let this happen."

I gulped the painful lump in my throat as I reached for the blanket and removed it. I saw as she was curled up in a ball.

"Take t-this..." I managed to say through my clogged throat. She looked at me with those vulnerable, helpless and emotionless eyes which were as cold as ice.

I supported her head in my hand lifting it up a bit and gave her the sedatives.

I covered her in the blankets and kissed her forehead and it was like a thousand knives sliced my heart when she flinched.

"What's wrong with you? I can not bear this. I can not see you like this." I whispered, stroking her hair softly.

JULY 28, 1988 (London, United Kingdom)


"Sir, her reports are ready. And... I want to talk to you about something regarding her reports."

Curiosity and worries clouded my head. "Sure. But you know it's not as easy for me to come there."

"Oh! That's not at all a problem. I'll be there within an hour."

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